SGS Celebrates 2024 Vanier Recipient - Clare Heggie

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 4, 2024 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events , Money Matters

Profile of: Clare Heggie Award Received: 2024-2027 Vanier Graduate Scholarship Dissertation Title: The health of incarcerated and criminalized women in rural and remote communities Department: Interdisciplinary Studies Supervisor: Dr. Martha Paynter My doctoral research focuses on the intersection of rurality, gender, and incarceration as structural determinants of health. Women are the fastest growing population in prison in Canada and yet they remain a small subset of the overall...

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SGS Celebrates Emily Williams - Recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 22, 2024 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events , Money Matters

Congratulations to Emily Williams who was recently announced as the recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies.   Emily is co-supervised by Dr. Ben Speers-Roesch and Dr. James Kieffer of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John Campus (UNBSJ). Her project asks how do Arctic fishes (Arctic char, Greenland cod, and lake char) react to temperature changes, acclimate to seasonal variations, and to what extent are...

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Taylor McAulay Announced as Finalist in 2024 Storytellers Challenge

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to Taylor McAulay from Psychology (Fredericton) for being selected as one of the Top 25 SSHRC Storytellers finalists! To hear Taylor's story check out her submission below! Research title: Adolescent Sport Dropout: A Longitudinal Study of Barriers to Play and Effects of Dropout. Supervisor: Dr. Janine Olthuis The 2024 SSHRC Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students to craft a research story in up to 300 words or three minutes, demonstrating how SSHRC-funded resrearch...

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Images of Research 2024 Winners Announced

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 26, 2024 8:40:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Images of Research competition! This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harrient Irving Library Research Commons asked UNB students to capture their work in a single image.  This year's images will be dispalyed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Including the winning entries below:  First place: Your Footstep: The Key to Digital Identity by Ala...

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SGS Spotlights UNB Physics Students' Successes


Posted: October 5, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The finalists for the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress student poster and oral contributions were announced on June 22, 2023, at the end of this year’s meeting. Three UNB Physics students were recognized for their outstanding achievements!Mustafa Saeed, whose research is with the Gravity Group, received first place in the poster competition for the Division of Theoretical Physics. He then was awarded Honourable Mention in the competition for best...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of MSSU Trainee Support Program

Sarah Hall

Posted: September 18, 2023 9:30:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters , News and Events

Profile of: Adrienne Thornton Award Received: Maritime SPOR Support Unit Traninee Support Program Awarded for the project: An Evaluation of the First Safer Supply Program in New Brunswick: The River Stone Recovery Centre Faculty: Faculty of Arts Department: Department of Psychology Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Brunelle The opioid overdose crisis, fuelled by the illicit drug market, is considered a public health emergency in Canada. Safer supply programs are a form of harm reduction...

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SGS Spotlights Gina Lonati

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 15, 2023 1:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Gina Lonati Dissertation Title: The effects of prey dynamics and human impacts on mysticete health Faculty: Science, Applied Science and Engineering Department: Biological Sciences Supervisor: Dr. Kimberley DaviesDuring a routine check-up, doctors measure our weight, heart rate, and temperature.  Veterinarians collect the same data from our pets to make sure they are healthy and eating right.  Even some wild animals are caught so researchers can measure their vital...

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SGS Spotlights Sean Cox

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 8, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

Profile of: Sean Cox Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by:  Dr. Sasha MullallyNew Brunswick’s role in the northeastern “Vacationland” of 20th century tourism significantly influenced spatial conceptualizations of the province and the creation of new mobility infrastructures. By examining the development, improvement, or replacement of transportation networks within the province over time, a complex narrative of changing spatial...

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SSHRC's 2023 Storytellers Final Five Announced - Congratulations Zyrene Estallo

Sarah Hall

Posted: May 30, 2023 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

  The School of Graduate Studies warmly congrulates Zyrene Estallo from the Faculty of Education for being named as one of the Final Five Storytellers at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) 2023 Storytellers Challenge! SSHRC's Storytellers Challenge asks students to decribe how their SSHRC funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians and improving society. This year's Final Five winners were selected from a field of over 200 submissions from...

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Zyrene Estallo Announced as Finalist in 2023 Storytellers Challenge

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 24, 2023 8:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to Zyrene Estallo of the Faculty of Education for being selected as one of the Top 25 SSHRC Storytellers finalists! To hear Zyrene's story check out her Storytellers submission below! Research title: Migration and Indigenous contexts of Mathematics Education (MINE): Changing storylines with strength-based pedagogies. Supervisor: Dr. David Wagner The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 10th annual Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Julianne Gerbrandt


Posted: April 13, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Julianne Gerbrandt  Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: Investigating Systemic Barriers to Early-French Immersion Through School Mathematics Faculty: Education Project supervised by: Karla Culligan and David Wagner The French immersion (FI) program in New Brunswick is controversial and unstable. The provincial government recently announced their intention to...

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SGS Congratulates 2023 3MT Winners!


Posted: April 3, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

The School of Graduate Studies warmly congratulates the winners of the 2023 3MT competition! Joining the winners in the above photos are Dr. Erin Morton (acting Associate Dean of Graduate Studies) and Dr. Kevin Englehart (Associate Dean of Graduate Studies)  First Place: Jennifer Moore, Psychology, "Impact of noise on territorial defense behaviour in Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)"  Second Place: Anjana Gayathri Arunachalam, Electrical and Computer Engineering, "User...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Jamie Evan Kitts

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 30, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Profile of: Jamie Evan Kitts Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: The Intersectional Gamer: A Political Sojourn into the Digital Walden Faculty: Arts Department: English Project supervised by: Stephen Schryer and David Huebert I think if you carefully read Henry David Thoreau’s concerns about emerging technology as a tool for spreading ideology, it provides a more...

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Images of Research 2023 Winners Announced

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 27, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Images of Research competition! This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harrient Irving Library asked UNB students to capture their work in a single image.  The images will be dispalyed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Including the winning entries below:  First prize was awarded to Timothy Blackmore for To Look Upon a Star (featured...

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UNB's 2023 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis)


Posted: March 20, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

You are warmly invited to attend UNB's 2023 Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) challenge hosted by the School of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Student Association. UNB will be hosting our local annual Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition during the afternoon of March 24, 2023. It will be an in-person event held in Fredericton at the Wu Centre in the Chancellor's Room from 12:30-3pm. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is an internationally recognized research communication competition. Participants...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Starlit Simon


Posted: February 8, 2023 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Starlit Simon Award Received:  SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship  Awarded for the project: Exploring Two-Eyed Seeing (Etuaptmumk) Through Art Production to Facilitate Healing with Mi’kmaq Youth in Digital and Physical Spaces  Faculty: Education  Project supervised by:  Dr. Casey Burkholder What might it look like to explore healing from intergenerational trauma with Mi’kmaq youth using a Two-Eyed Seeing guiding principle? This research explores...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Madison Herrington


Posted: February 1, 2023 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Madison Herrington Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: “Examining Attitudes Towards Ageing” Faculty: Arts Department: Psychology Project supervised by: Dr. Lilly Both My research examines predictors of ageist attitudes. Ageism occurs when demeaning attitudes are directed by one age group towards another age group. Previous research has shown that older...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Jay Lalonde


Posted: January 25, 2023 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Jay Lalonde Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: Model Settlers, Dirty Foreigners, and Colonial Agents: Icelandic Settlers in Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada's Immigration Policy, 1850-1900 Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Dr. Angela C. Tozer   For every settlement recorded and celebrated by colonial bureaucrats and historians as a success, there are many others that have been forgotten. One of them, Markland, was an...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Dawson Nancekievill


Posted: January 11, 2023 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Dawson Nancekievill  Award Received: CIHR Canada Graduate Student Master’s Award Awarded for the project: Impact of Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscle Hypertrophy and Functional Outcomes in Men and Women Faculty: Kinesiology Project supervised by: Dr. Martin Sénéchal   Believe it or not, weight training with less than half the load used in traditional weight training may still lead to similar improvements in muscle mass and strength. Blood...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Cody Carlyle


Posted: December 21, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Cody Carlyle  Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) Awarded for the project: Factors influencing the detection of whales using high resolution satellite imagery Faculty: Science Department: Biological Sciences Project supervised by: Dr. Kimberley Davies Whales are understudied due to their large distributions and new methods to more effectively study whale populations are necessary. Recent...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Nicole Daigle


Posted: December 14, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of: Nicole Daigle Award Received: Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)  Awarded for the project: Investigating the effects of conservation stocking programs on sturgeon populations across North America Faculty: Science Department: Biology Project supervised by: Dr. Charles Sacobie (UNB Indigenous Science Scholar) and Dr. Christine Verhille (Montana State University) The conservation of endangered species is essential...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Delaney Beck


Posted: December 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of: Delaney Beck  Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship  Awarded for the project: “Some of the sisters have shell shock as well as wounds”: War Trauma in First World War Canadian Nursing Sisters  Faculty: Arts  Department: History  Project supervised by: Dr. Cindy Brown  Some 2,845 women served as Nursing Sisters with the Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC) between 1914 and 1918, serving day and night on numerous fronts, giving aid to...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Shannon Webb-Campbell


Posted: November 30, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of: Shannon Webb-Campbell  Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: Only Young Faculty: Arts Department: English Literature, Creative Writing Project supervised by: Dr. Sue Sinclair & Dr. Jennifer Andrews Summary of research My doctoral research project, a novel entitled Only Young after a well-known colloquial Newfoundland phrase used to describe a lack of maturity or experience, portrays the complexities of Indigenous identity in Newfoundland from...

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3MT Eastern Regional Finals

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 3, 2022 8:25:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

  The University of New Brunswick is excited to be hosting the Three Minute Thesis Eastern Regional Finals being held virtually Thursday June 16th, 7-9 pm.The 3-Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an annual research competition developed by the University of Queensland to challenge graduate students to communicate their research and its significance in three minutes or less. This year, ten graduate schools from across Eastern Canada are sending the winners of their local Three-minute Thesis...

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SGS Congratulates Dr. Chloé Cherpin on winning the SFEN Jean Bourgeois prize!


Posted: June 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Dr. Chloé Cherpin has been awarded the Jean Bourgeois prize for best thesis by Société française d'énergie nucléaire. Chloé graduated this May with her doctorate in Chemical Engineering. Her thesis was entitled: Modeling the Behavior of Colloidal Corrosion Products in the Primary Circuit of Pressurized Water Reactors. An important contributor to radiation doses to workers in nuclear plants is the distribution of radioactive corrosion-product (oxide)...

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SGS Congratulates 2022 3MT Winners!


Posted: April 22, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies warmly congratulates the winners of the 2022 3MT competition! The judges were deeply impressed with the comprehensiveness, engagement, and storytelling capacity of all UNB students who took on this challenge.  First Place: Julia Macpherson ($500) for This is snow joke: freshwater fish may be more susceptible to acute copper toxicity at winter cold temperatures   Second Place: Kimberly Wilbur ($200)  Honourable Mention:...

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Images of Research Showcase Begins Today


Posted: April 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Come take a break and take a look! The Images of Research Competition Showcase begins today at both the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. The showcase will run between 12-2 for the month of April. You'll get a chance to see what graduate research at UNB looks like. Including the winning entries below:  First prize was awarded to Sarah Durham for Plenty of fish in the sea? (featured above) Second...

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Images of Research 2022 Winners Announced


Posted: April 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

President Paul Mazerolle congratulates the winners of UNB’s first annual Images of Research competition. This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons asked UNB graduate students to capture their work in a single image. Starting this Wednesday, The images will be displayed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Alumni - Dr. Kelly Chaves


Posted: February 2, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies congratulates UNB alumna Dr. Kelly Chaves (Governor General's Gold Medal Winner, 2020) on the award of an Omohundro Institute-National Endowment for the Humanities (US) post-doctoral fellowship. This prestigious award supports new research to illuminate 17th-and 18-century Indigenous cosmologies of the ocean and show how these understandings led to conflict with Europeans in Ninnimissinouk and Wabanaki country (southern New England, Maine, and Acadia in...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Jayden Price


Posted: December 8, 2021 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Jayden Price Award Received: Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)  Awarded for the project: Strategic design of deep-red and near-infrared solid-state emitters for biological and material applications  Faculty: Science  Department: Chemistry  Project supervised by: Dr. Sara Eisler Luminescent small molecules, those that have the uncanny ability to absorb energy and spontaneously emit it in the form of light, are...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Nicole Hughes


Posted: December 1, 2021 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Nicole Hughes Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: Lineages of Louisbourg: an exploration of mitochondrial DNA analysis to investigate the ancestral diversity at the 18th century Fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia Department: Interdisciplinary Studies Project supervised by: Amy Scott, PhD My research will explore the ancestral diversity of those living at the Fortress...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Lena Gryshchuk


Posted: September 23, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Lena Gryshchuk Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: Police officers' response to intimate partner violence cases with female offenders Faculty: Arts Department: Psychology Project supervised by: Mary Ann Campbell, PhD Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious societal issue causing significant physical and psychological harm to the victim and their families, as well as societal costs in terms of lost work time, health care...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Richard Yeomans


Posted: September 15, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Richard Yeomans Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: Inventing a Bountiful Earth: New Brunswick Settler Science and the Moral Economy, 1785-1885 Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Elizabeth Mancke, PhD In June of 1839, Dr. James Robb, a Scottish chemist, and professor of natural science at King’s College in Fredericton, undertook his first of two major expeditions up the St. John River for the...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Stefanie R Slaunwhite


Posted: September 8, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of Stefanie R. Slaunwhite Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: The Dr. William F. Roberts Hospital School: A Critical History of a Contested Institution Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Sasha Mullally, PhD My research explores the history and legacy of The Dr. William F. Roberts Hospital School in Saint John, New Brunswick. Hailed as “an...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Carrie Sacha DeWolfe


Posted: September 1, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Carrie Sacha DeWolfe Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Award Awarded for the project: LIVING THROUGH DESIRABILITY: EXPANDING IDENTITY AND DISRUPTING COLONIAL IDEOLOGIES Faculty: Education Project supervised by: Amanda Benjamin, PhD Are cultural practices intrinsic to ethnicity?  How do people understand who you are if you do not fit into their frame of reference?  My research will juxtapose the social, political and historical factors that influence...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Jordyn Bailey


Posted: August 25, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Jordyn Bailey Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: Intimate Exercises: Sexpionage in the East German STASI, 1968-1989 Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Lisa Todd, PhD Although all major powers secretly gathered intelligence on each other during the Cold War, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) devoted more resources than any other European...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – McKenna James Boeckner


Posted: August 18, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of McKenna James Boeckner Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: “Memoirs of a Sodomite: Revisionary Queer Historiography of England’s Long Romantic Period" Faculty: Arts Department: English Project supervised by: Elizabeth Effinger, PhD I am interested in history, how we define it, and how we can reappropriate it for those who have been forgotten. In 1749,...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Patricia Morris


Posted: August 11, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of Patricia Morris Award Received: Vanier Graduate Scholarship Awarded for the project: “Understanding the impacts of non-consensual nursing care on clients with cognitive impairments living in long-term care facilities in New Brunswick” Faculty: Arts Graduate Academic Unit: Interdisciplinary Studies Project supervised by: Rose McCloskey, PhD My doctoral research will focus on interactions between long-term care nurses and residents with dementia...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Laura Kabbash


Posted: August 4, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Laura Kabbash Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: Beyond Risk and Need: Service Utilization Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Faculty: Arts Department: Psychology Project supervised by: Scott Ronis, PhD Homelessness is a critical, yet often ignored issue in Canada, with more than 22,000 Canadians accessing shelters daily. While research has been conducted...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Kate McGregor


Posted: July 28, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Kate McGregor Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: “There is only one way to be pretty!” Racialized Beauty Norms in the Global German Empire, 1884-1939 Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Lisa Todd, PhD “There is only one way to be pretty! That is natural beauty care!” declared the advertisement for the skincare brand, H.U. Schröder-Schenke, in the 25 September 1910 edition of...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Robert Burroughs


Posted: July 21, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Robert Burroughs Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: Reimagining the Crown in New Brunswick in the context of Reconciliation Faculty: Arts Department: Interdisciplinary Studies Project supervised by: Dr. J.P. Lewis Bridging the fields of geography, history and political science, the primary focus of my research is the Crown in Canada, a poorly taught and...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Kyoungsil Nah


Posted: July 14, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Kyoungsil Nah Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Awarded for the project: Cultural Differences in Achievement Attributions and the Underlying Mechanism Faculty: Arts Department: Psychology Project supervised by: W. Q. Elaine Perunovic, PhD My research explores cultural differences in interpreting personal achievement. We often question and evaluate why we experience success or failure....

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Mary Aspinall


Posted: July 7, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Profile of Mary Aspinall Award Received: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Awarded for the project: Gendered practices in specialized domestic violence courts: A study of facilitators perspectives on intimate partner violence treatment programs in Canada Faculty: Arts Department: Sociology Project supervised by: Dr. Carmen Gill Victimization is criminalized when many women are prosecuted for intimate partner violence (IPV) as a result of objective and incident-focused...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards – Evan Campbell


Posted: June 30, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of Evan Campbell Award Received: Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (NSERC CGS D3) Awarded for the project: End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Myoelectric Control Faculty: Engineering Department: Electrical Engineering Project supervised by: Dr. Erik Scheme Upper-limb prostheses only restore few fixed gestures to amputees, but natural limbs do much more. The Institute of Biomedical Engineering at UNB has a long history of pioneering upper-limb prosthetic...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Shelby Martens


Posted: June 23, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Profile of Shelby Blair Martens Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship, Doctorate Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Awarded for the project: “From Missionettes to Calvinettes to Pioneer Girls: Lived Religion and the Role of Faith-Based Girls’ Groups in Canada in the Secular Age, 1950 to 1980” Faculty: Arts Department: History Project supervised by: Dr. Heidi MacDonald Young women were exhorted to “cherish health, seek truth, know God, and serve...

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UNB Student Mehboob Reza Awarded Chartered Fellow Status

Adrienne Wilson

Posted: April 20, 2021 12:00:00 PM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Mehboob Reza, a UNB PhD student in Interdisciplinary Studies whose thesis research is focused on preventing work-related musculoskeletal injuries, was recently awarded Chartered Fellow Status by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH) in the United Kingdom. Chartered Fellowship status is regarded as the pinnacle of the occupational health and safety profession and is awarded to only 2% of the 48,000 global members of CFIOSH. It is awarded to Chartered Professionals who have...

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PhD Student in IDST Major Scholarship Finalist

Adrienne Wilson

Posted: March 22, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

UNB students continue to thrive despite challenges of the pandemic. See how Robert Burroughs is making an impact at the national level. Robert Burroughs is a PhD student in the IDST department researching the future of the Crown in Canada and its viceregal representatives. He is a recipient of the School of Graduate Studies Doctoral Recruitment award and was recently chosen as a 2021 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar Finalist. As 1 of only 36 finalists in the country,...

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Research overturns conventional thinking on the age and diversity of marine ecosystems


Posted: September 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

Research by a recent UNB PhD graduate overturns conventional thinking on the age and diversity of marine ecosystems. Conventional wisdom held that organisms currently living in arctic waters arrived relatively recently from warm southern waters following the recession of glaciers that blanketed much of North America during the last major glacial period 21 thousand years ago. Hence, organisms currently inhabiting artic waters were thought to be relatively recent immigrants from a common...

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UNB’s 2020 Vanier Winners

Trystan Carter

Posted: June 24, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Of the many scholarships available to PhD students in Canada, few are more coveted and prestigious than the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship for doctoral students. Administered jointly by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), it is an incredible honour for the student to be awarded the scholarship, as well as for the institution they attend....

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UNB’s 2020 3MT Competition and winner, Joanne LeBlanc-Haley

Trystan Carter

Posted: June 5, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

For many students, the Three Minute Thesis Competition, more commonly known as 3MT, is an excellent opportunity to not only workshop their research direction, but also a great way to develop their public speaking and presentation skills. Although 3MT tends to be an in-person event, moving the competition online didn’t prevent this year’s competitors from wowing the judges and impressing their peers, and no one excelled more than this year’s winner, Joanne...

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UNB Graduate Students Land $2.5 Million in Federal Scholarships


Posted: May 29, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

Graduate students at the University of New Brunswick enjoyed unparalleled success in the 2020 spring competitions for scholarships from the Government of Canada Tri-Agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR). Topping the list of awards was an unprecedented three Vanier Scholarships which are the most competitive and prestigious Federal graduate scholarship, valued at $150, 000 per student. Vanier awards went to one student each in the Faculties of Education and Arts in Fredericton and Science, Applied...

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UNB has impressive global footprint in magnetic resonance research


Posted: September 9, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Faculty Focus , Student Stories

The International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy held it’s 15th Biannual conference in Paris, France over the summer months. The conference brought together a group of 180 international experts focused on the development of spatially resolved magnetic resonance methods and their applications to diverse fields including engineering, biomedical and clinical science. UNB was exceptionally visible at the conference, accounting for fully 10% of all attendees, and they included...

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IDST Student Recognized by Peers for Recent Presentation


Posted: July 9, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

The summer months can be a busy time for graduate student travel, with students looking to showcase the work they have been doing during the year at research conferences all over the world, which is very much true for one Interdisciplinary PhD candidate who was recently recognized by his peers for his presentation skills. Ibrahim Hariz, pictured third from the right, recently presented his preliminary research to a group of his peers at the International Conference on Comparative Religion and...

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IDST Student Recognized by National Nurses Foundation


Posted: May 22, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , Student Stories

A graduate student on the Fredericton campus has recently been recognized by a National Nursing Foundation for her work in the nursing field. Myriam Breau, a PhD candidate with the Interdisciplinary Studies program, has recently been awarded $10,000 by the Canadian Nurses Foundation to support her PhD research which explores the influence of nursing staffing and skill mix on adverse events. The financial support from the foundation will help Myriam better understand what exact roles nurses...

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IDST Masters Project to be Showcased in New Kinesiology Building


Posted: May 13, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A current graduate student will soon see a piece of her masters work on display in the newly constructed Kinesiology Building on UNB's Fredericton Campus. Deanna Musgrave, a current masters student in the Interdisciplinary Studies program, will soon see her artwork showcased in a grand fashion when her work is proudly displayed on the third floor of the new building. Deanna's painting, entitled Tropos, will be installed on May the 16th and will span the entire length of a wall. Interested in...

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Experiencing Three Minute Thesis - Barbora's Story


Posted: May 7, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

Ever wonder what it is like to take part in the annual Three Minute Thesis challenge? The winner of UNB's 2019 Three Minute Thesis, and UNB representative at the Eastern Regional 3MT competition, has got you covered! Barbora Balonova - My 3MT Journey Hi all! My name is Barbora and I am currently in the last year of my PhD at the Department of Chemistry in Fredericton, UNB. I come from Slovakia, where I completed my BSc and MSc in Chemistry at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava....

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Saint John Grad Student Awarded Prestigious Spot in Development Workshop


Posted: April 25, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A graduate student from the University of New Brunswick's Saint John campus recently received some exciting news from organizers of this year's Communicating Science Workshop for Graduate Students organizing committee. Lydia White, a Master’s student in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNB Saint John, was awarded one of 50 seats (nearly 400 applicants) to attend Canada’s first national science communication workshop for graduate students. "ComSciConCAN 2019” is a...

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MTME Students NBIF Breakthru Finalists


Posted: March 19, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) has announced the finalists for their 2018-19 Breakthru Entrepreneusrhip competition, and a group of MTME graduate students find themselves in the mix to take home the top prize. Breakthru is a startup competition designed to encourage the creation and development of entrepreneurial, innovative business ventures in New Brunswick. Hosted by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF), this biennial province-wide competition gives participants a...

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Former UNB Grad Student Appointed Fredericton's Next Poet Laureate


Posted: February 8, 2019 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

A former masters student with UNB Fredericton's Department of English has recently been appointed Fredericton's next Poet Laureate. Jenna Lyn Albert, a graduate of English's Creative Writing program, began in the position late last month, and will serve a two year term in the position formerly titled Cultural Laureate. The position was only recently established in 2016 as part of an action item of the City's Culture plan which was adopted in 2014 and seen Ian LeTourneau sit as the positions...

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Graduate Research Conference Showcase


Posted: December 10, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Can you believe it? It is already that time of year again, and I am not talking about the Holiday season! As per the annual tradition, the Graduate Student Associate has recently announced their call for abstracts for next year's rendition of the Graduate Student Research Conference. The 26th annual conference will be held March 21-22, 2019 at the Wu Conference Centre on the UNB Fredericton Campus. Graduate students will be given the opportunity to share their research with students, faculty,...

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UNBSJ Lab Discovery Making Headlines


Posted: December 3, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Faculty Focus , Student Stories

Graduate students in the UNB Saint John Biology Department are part of a team making waves with a recent discovery surrounding the population of a long lost species of fish in the St. John River, thought to have been lost forever. Team members in the Dr. Scott Pavey lab on the UNB Saint John campus, have recently made a discovery that suggests the native striped bass population in the St. John River likely managed to survive after seeing a drastic decline in numbers with the opening of the...

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From Instructed to Instructor - Meet Jasmine


Posted: October 16, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

Often times students have great university experiences while working through their graduate programs which lead them to explore the possibility of staying close by after graduation. Such is the case for Jasmine Alam, a recent PHD graduate of the Interdisciplinary Studies program offered at UNB. Before joining the Interdisciplinary program at UNB, Jasmine earned her BA in Economics from Carleton University and moved on to complete a masters degree at the University of London. Jasmine then...

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IDST Student Recognized for her Research on Sport


Posted: July 16, 2018 12:01:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A PhD candidate with Interdisciplinary Studies program here at UNB has recently been recognized for her work by the True Sport Foundation, a national charitable organization that is dedicated to advancing and supporting values-based and principle-driven sport in communities throughout Canada. Regan Taylor, pictured above, was one of two students recognized nation wide and was praised for her work which examines the employee-employer dyad between professional coaches and volunteer sport...

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UNB Students Recognized at Canadian Association of Physicist Conference


Posted: July 9, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

Two UNB graduate students working with the Department of Physics have recently been recognized for their work at the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Student Presentation Competition, which took place on the University of Dalhousie's Halifax campus earlier this summer. Amy-Rae Gauthier, pictured in the first row and third from the left, took home first place at the annual competition for after delivering her presentation on imaging velocity of turbulent flows in MRI which she works on...

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Forestry Student Takes Home Presentation Prize


Posted: June 25, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A Masters student with the Faculty of Forestry and Environment Management was recently recognized for her presentation at the 2018 Western Mensurationists meeting in Flagstaff, Arizona. Yung-Han Hsu, along with several of her colleagues, traveled west last week for this year's rendition of the Mesurationists gathering where they took advantage of the opportunity to present their research to large crowds made up of fellow graduate students, faculty and key researchers in their field of...

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Mixing Writing and Film


Posted: June 17, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A graduate student on the UNB Fredericton campus is going to be a little bit busier this fall, as she looks to take on some new responsibilities with the Department of Culture and Media Studies. Lisa Jodoin, a PhD candidate in creative writing with the Department of English, will be joining the team at CAMS as their filmmaker in residence while she continues her creative and academic work which focuses on Indigenous identity and embodiment, urban Indigenous experience and decolonization. Of...

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How UNB Research is Saving Lives


Posted: June 5, 2018 5:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Faculty Focus

A UNB Postdoc is making waves with her research that is helping to save lives around the world. Shabnam Jabari, a Postdoc working with the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering on the Fredericton campus, has developed an Algorithm that creates a more accurate before-and-after picture to aid in recovery after a disaster. Inspired by the horrific scenes after an earthquake that hit Bam during her time at the University of Tehran,  Shabnam decided that she needed to change the...

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Inspiring Fifty Canada 2018 - A UNB Connection


Posted: May 22, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A graduate student on the Fredericton campus has recently been recognized by Inspiring Fifty Canada 2018, which highlights inspirational female role models in tech and innovation sectors. Mahsa Kiani, a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Computer Science and co-founder of MyData, was recognized by Inspiring Fifty in the first ever Canadian edition of the event which identifies and showcases the achievements and advancements of Canadian women in the STEM fields. Mahsa was selected by the...

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A Student's Perspective - Three Minute Thesis


Posted: April 30, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

For the audience and judges, the 2018 rendition of UNB's Three Minute Thesis Challenge wrapped up in the early evening on Thursday, April 05. For the public and faculty and staff, the event consisted of a short drive or walk up to the event in the late afternoon of event day, an hour or so of fanstastic presentations, and some snacks and refreshments which followed... but what was it like for the days, weeks and even months leading up to the big day for participants? Karla Culligan, a 3MT...

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Graduate Research Spotlight


Posted: April 9, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Three Minute Thesis Challenge Graduate students took over the stage last Thursday at this year's rendition of the Three Minute Thesis Challenge, with 10 prestenters working towards a common goal, to deliver their research in three minutes or less. Along with the chance to show the public what exciting and groundbreaking research they are working on day to day here at UNB, the students were also looking for the chance to be the UNB respresentative at this year's Eastern Regional 3MT...

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It's 3MT Week!


Posted: April 3, 2018 5:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Although it is tough to be excited after returning from an extended long weekend, we think we might have something that will do the trick! It's 3MT week at UNB! Thursday afternoon, students from faculties campus wide will be given the opportunity to present their research in three minutes or less in the form of the Three Minute Thesis Challenge. April 05, at 3:00pm will mark UNB's second rendition of this exciting event, where students will be challenged to present their results to an...

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IDST Student Recognized as a Change Maker


Posted: March 19, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A UNB graduate student from has recently had her work recognized at the inaugural Ontario Education Research Symposium (OERS). Julie Bull, a PhD candidate in the Interdisciplinary program on the Fredericton campus, was named an Emerging Research Scholar for the 2018 OERS Change Maker Awards which she accepted in person at the Chelsea Hotel in downtown Toronto at the first of the month. The Change Maker Awards focus on removing systemic barriers in education for racialized/marginalized...

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Conference Travel is a Good Thing!


Posted: March 12, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories

A Saint John graduate student has caught the travel bug! And hopes to "infect" others ... for the many benefits travel offers for both professional and personal development.  Cecile Proctor, a masters student in Department of Psychology at UNB Saint John , discovered her passion for travel while presenting her work at a conference in Slovenia following her undergraduate degree. In addition to expanding her CV, conference travel has expanded Cecile's professional network through the many...

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Where in the World? - Emilia's Story


Posted: February 26, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

A former graduate student with the Department of English is setting her sights on a stop at York University, but it is just one of many on an incredible journey that has taken her around the world since graduation day here at UNB in 2007. Emilia Nielsen began her journey in academia as a Master of Arts student at UNB, where she completed her degree requirements within the Creative Writing program and is now looking to settle in one spot for now, having recently accepted a tenure track...

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IDST Gatherings... A Tuesday Tradition!


Posted: February 12, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Faculty Focus

Relax, share, and learn! IDST Gatherings, Tuesdays @ 4:00PM The HIL has been a little cozier on Tuesdays this term, with IDST students taking over the Milham Roon in the Library to mingle and discuss their research!  The Gatherings are for all IDST, MAHSR, and MPhil students. The Tuesday tradition kicked off with talks by Ioanna Ratsiatou, Julie Bull and Milad Pirayegar, PHD students within the Interdisciplinary program, and will continue on Tuesdays throughout the term. Interested in...

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Heading Overseas - Vanessa's Story


Posted: February 5, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

A graduate student with the Faculty of Education has recently been awarded travel funding through the SSHRC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to support research related to her thesis work in Europe. Vanessa Johnson, a SSHRC funded masters student on the Fredericton campus, will be packing her bags for an extensive research trip abroad this fall thanks to a travel opportunity available to Canada Graduate Scholarship holders nationwide. Vanessa will also be receiving travel support for...

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Former UNB Graduate Student on Track in Jamaica


Posted: February 5, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

The work of a former Interdisciplinary Studies graduate student, Dr. Tracy-Ann Johnson-Myers,  has recently been celebrated and recognized with a Best Research Publication Award. Tracy-Ann was recognized for her recent book, The Mixed Member Proportional System: Providing Greater Representation for Women?: A Case Study of the New Zealand Experience, published during the fall of 2016. After completing her degree requirements at the University of New Brunswick under the supervision of Dr....

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The roads taken ... work AND Grad School


Posted: January 22, 2018 5:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

"Two roads diverged in a wood..." so goes the classic poem by Robert Frost capturing the turmoil around deciding which among life's precious options to persue. This a conflict appropos too for many students approaching the end of their undergraduate program: to continue-on with graduate studies, or to join the workforce. Which is the better path? This was the choice faced recently by Brandon Searle, a 2016 graduate of UNB's Bachelor of Engineering program. As an undergraduate student living...

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Rocking the West


Posted: January 15, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

Maree McGregor, a graduate student with the department of Earth Sciences on the Fredericton campus, will be travelling to a remote location east of Yellowknife next summer to explore the site where an asteroid crashed into the Earth more than 380 million years ago. Maree came to UNB from Australia and looks to work on a thesis with the Director of UNB's Planetary and Space Science Centre, Dr. John Spray, who will also be making the three week trip to the far north. Having already helped to...

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National Recognition for Armed Forces Grad Student


Posted: December 18, 2017 11:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

A Kinesiology graduate student, Terry Fitzpatrick, has recently been recognized nationally for his proposed research on the influence of exercise on soldiers suffering from the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Terry’s research is wholly novel and will recruit soldiers from across the nation. The work will entail a phenomenological approach to understanding soldiers ‘lived experiences’ with PTSD and their approach to physically active leisure and sport. Terry...

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NBIF Award Recipients Gather


Posted: December 11, 2017 6:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies, with support from the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, recently celebrated recent NBIF award recipients with a luncheon in the Great Hall of the historic Sir Howard Douglas Hall building on the UNB Fredericton campus. Students were joined by faculty and staff as well by NBIF's President and CEO, Calvin Milbury, and its Director of Research, Lindsay Bowman along with UNB's Vice President of Research, Dr. David Magee, and its Vice President-Academic, Dr....

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Unique Glimpse on the Past


Posted: December 4, 2017 6:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

A team of UNB Anthropology students descended upon the historic Rochefort Point, a narrow peninsula extending just beyond the east gate of the Fortress of Louisbourg in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Rochefort Point was a primary burial ground in Louisbourg, with an estimated number of burials in the thousands in a period after 1739, and is currently under threat of coastal erosion. Dr. Amy Scott -- UNB Professor of Anthropology -- and her team of students are tackling the difficult task of...

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IDST Graduate Student Awarded Prestigious Leadership Award


Posted: December 4, 2017 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

Kanza Hashmat, a graduate student in the Interdisciplinary Studies program on the Fredericton campus, has been recognized nationally with a Canada 150 Community Leader Award. Communities nation wide were invited by the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Melanie Joly, to nominate a community member who embodies leadership characteristics and advocates for  diversity and inclusion, our young people, our environment and our reconciliation efforts with Indigenous people. Kanza had her nomination...

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UNB Students Recognized Nationally


Posted: November 27, 2017 5:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters

Amelia Thorpe, a Ph.D candidate from the Faculty of Education, has recently been recognized nationally for her thesis research exploring the erasure of gender diverse identities through the language of student documentation, adminstrative procedure and institutional policy. Recognized as a 2017-18 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipient, Amelia's award recognizes her exceptional academic achievement, research potential, leadership and the considerable effort she invests in community...

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Frederick and Catherine Eaton Travel Support


Posted: November 20, 2017 6:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories

Bethany Daigle (at right above) will be heading overseas this fall with the support of the Frederick and Catherine Eaton Graduate Fellowship to make use of the extensive Faculty and Library resources offered at Queen’s University, Belfast. Her SSHRC CGS funded project is a natural outgrowth of her MA work: an ambitious and topical comparative analysis of religion and religiosity in South Asian fiction from post-Partition to post-9/11. Bethany’swork will have significant...

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