SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Allyson Lamont


Posted: February 12, 2025 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Allyson Lamont Award Received: SSHRC Post-Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Mental Health and Help-Seeking at the Intersection of Food Insecurity and Other Social Determinants of Health Department: Psychology Supervisor: Dr. David Speed Nearly one in four Canadians are food insecure, meaning they experience inadequate or uncertain access to needed foods because of financial limitations. Food insecurity is a socioeconomic factor that...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Eliza Ives


Posted: February 5, 2025 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Eliza Ives Award Received: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Insomnia: A Fugue State Department: English Supervisors: Dr. John Ball and Dr. Stephen Schryer Insomnia is a common yet poorly understood disorder. My doctoral project, a narrative composed both of fiction and fact, relates a year-long episode of chronic insomnia, for which there was no explanation. Novelistic scenes spur essayistic passages of analysis and reflection, connecting the...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Meghan Kemp-Gee


Posted: January 29, 2025 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Meghan Kemp-Gee Award Received: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: The Lyric and the Athlete Department: English Supervisor: Dr. Sue Sinclair What can competitive sports teach us about poetry? Can we "read" a tennis match like a lyric poem? I came to UNB to write and study lyric poetry, and I’ve also been a competitive athlete since I was four years old, when my mother (a former professional tennis player) handed me my first racquet. As an...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Janet Mills


Posted: January 16, 2025 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Janet Mills Award Received: SSHRC Post-Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Religion, Reverberations, and Rebellion: Demerara in the Age of Abolition, 1795-1834 Department: Historical Studies Supervisor: Dr. Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy Today we rely on communication through social media and other modern advantages. But what did we do before the internet, television, or even electricity? How did the poor, the disadvantaged, the enslaved reach out to each other? My...

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SGS Celebrates Award-winning Graduate Students - Claire Anderson


Posted: January 10, 2025 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Profile of: Claire Anderson Awarded: the 2025 CCUCC Chemistry Master of Science Award, offered through the Canadian Society for Chemistry Department: Chemistry Supervisor: Dr. Stijn De Baerdemacker The demand for energy is continually increasing, requiring a need for storage systems capable of storing large quantities of energy for extended periods of time. One system that has shown potential as large-scale electrochemical energy storage systems are redox flow batteries (RFB), which can...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Megan Muise


Posted: December 18, 2024 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Profile of: Megan Muise Award Received: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Opening the dialogue: Comfort and barriers when discussing sex with queer clients in therapy Department: Psychology Supervisor: Dr. Scott Ronis I came to my research topic through a problem that stumped me as a new clinician: despite being involved in sex research for years and considering myself pretty comfortable with the topic, I found myself hesitating to bring up sex with...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Melissa Erin Keehn


Posted: December 11, 2024 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Melissa Erin Keehn Award Received: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Queer(ing) Joy, Queer(ing) New Brunswick Schooling Futures Faculty: Education Supervisors: Dr. Roger Saul and Dr. Casey Burkholder Why are schools so concerned with the risks of being queer and trans in a transphobic and queerphobic world? My doctoral study—emerging from my experiences as a former teacher in New Brunswick—is a qualitative research project that...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Michael Thorn


Posted: December 4, 2024 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Michael Thorn Award Received: SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Pessimystic and Weirding the Gothic: Depictions of Writing in Numinous Dark Literature Faculty: Arts Department: English Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Effinger We live in times of acute anxiety and awe-inspiring unknowability. How can Gothic and Weird literature, with their historic focuses on the act of writing, help express the emotional and psychological excesses of...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Amy MacQuarrie


Posted: November 28, 2024 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Profile of: Amy MacQuarrie Award Received: SSHRC Post-Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Awarded for the project: Risk Factors for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD): Towards Lower-Risk Guidelines Faculty: Science, Applied Science & Engineering Department: Psychology Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Brunelle When video gaming becomes a disorder, it can negatively affect all aspects of someone’s life. Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) can result in missing work or school to play games, losing friendships...

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Registration Now Open: GPDN 2024 Canadian Career Symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars


Posted: October 23, 2024 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

Happening November 19th - 21st! The School of Graduate Studies is pleased to offer the opportunity to attend the GPDN virtual career symposium. UNB is a sponsoring institution and so interested graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can register through Eventbrite. The Graduate and Postdoctoral Development Network is hosting a virtual career symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows aimed at professional development and career exploration.  Presentations by...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Kate Tucker


Posted: September 23, 2024 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Profile of: Kate Tucker Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) Awarded for the project: Experiences and Perceptions of Unattached Older Adults in New Brunswick; A Qualitative Study on Primary Care Access and Health System Navigation  Faculty: Interdisciplinary Studies Department: Applied Health Services Research Supervisors: Dr. Pamela Durepos Primary care includes routine care and first point-of-contact services essential to...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Zachary A. Tingley

Sarah Hall

Posted: September 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Faculty Focus , Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Zachary A. Tingley Award Received: Doctoral Fellowship (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: Navigating a Marine Commons: The Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Challenges of Maritime Safety, 1815-1867 Faculty: Arts Department: History & Politics Supervisors: Dr. Erin Spinney (UNBSJ) & Dr. Joshua MacFadyen (UPEI)My dissertation will examine the decades from the 1810s to the 1860s when British North Americans first established policies,...

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SGS Celebrates 2024 Vanier Recipient - Clare Heggie

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 4, 2024 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events , Money Matters

Profile of: Clare Heggie Award Received: 2024-2027 Vanier Graduate Scholarship Dissertation Title: The health of incarcerated and criminalized women in rural and remote communities Department: Interdisciplinary Studies Supervisor: Dr. Martha Paynter My doctoral research focuses on the intersection of rurality, gender, and incarceration as structural determinants of health. Women are the fastest growing population in prison in Canada and yet they remain a small subset of the overall...

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SGS Celebrates Emily Williams - Recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 22, 2024 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events , Money Matters

Congratulations to Emily Williams who was recently announced as the recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies.   Emily is co-supervised by Dr. Ben Speers-Roesch and Dr. James Kieffer of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John Campus (UNBSJ). Her project asks how do Arctic fishes (Arctic char, Greenland cod, and lake char) react to temperature changes, acclimate to seasonal variations, and to what extent are...

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Taylor McAulay Announced as Finalist in 2024 Storytellers Challenge

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to Taylor McAulay from Psychology (Fredericton) for being selected as one of the Top 25 SSHRC Storytellers finalists! To hear Taylor's story check out her submission below! Research title: Adolescent Sport Dropout: A Longitudinal Study of Barriers to Play and Effects of Dropout. Supervisor: Dr. Janine Olthuis The 2024 SSHRC Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students to craft a research story in up to 300 words or three minutes, demonstrating how SSHRC-funded resrearch...

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Images of Research 2024 Winners Announced

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 26, 2024 8:40:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Images of Research competition! This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harrient Irving Library Research Commons asked UNB students to capture their work in a single image.  This year's images will be dispalyed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Including the winning entries below:  First place: Your Footstep: The Key to Digital Identity by Ala...

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SGS Spotlights UNB Physics Students' Successes


Posted: October 5, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The finalists for the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress student poster and oral contributions were announced on June 22, 2023, at the end of this year’s meeting. Three UNB Physics students were recognized for their outstanding achievements!Mustafa Saeed, whose research is with the Gravity Group, received first place in the poster competition for the Division of Theoretical Physics. He then was awarded Honourable Mention in the competition for best...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of MSSU Trainee Support Program

Sarah Hall

Posted: September 18, 2023 9:30:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters , News and Events

Profile of: Adrienne Thornton Award Received: Maritime SPOR Support Unit Traninee Support Program Awarded for the project: An Evaluation of the First Safer Supply Program in New Brunswick: The River Stone Recovery Centre Faculty: Faculty of Arts Department: Department of Psychology Supervisor: Dr. Caroline Brunelle The opioid overdose crisis, fuelled by the illicit drug market, is considered a public health emergency in Canada. Safer supply programs are a form of harm reduction...

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Knowledge Mobilization Program Coordinator - Work Study Opportunity


Posted: September 5, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies is hiring a part-time work-study student! This Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator will support a wide variety of activities and opportunities for graduate students to improve research communication skills across a wide range of media platforms. If you have questions about the opportunity, please contact Please note that the Work-Study program is managed through the experiential learning portal at ExperienceUNB. Further instructions are...

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SGS Spotlights Gina Lonati

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 15, 2023 1:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Profile of: Gina Lonati Dissertation Title: The effects of prey dynamics and human impacts on mysticete health Faculty: Science, Applied Science and Engineering Department: Biological Sciences Supervisor: Dr. Kimberley DaviesDuring a routine check-up, doctors measure our weight, heart rate, and temperature.  Veterinarians collect the same data from our pets to make sure they are healthy and eating right.  Even some wild animals are caught so researchers can measure their vital...

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SSHRC's 2023 Storytellers Final Five Announced - Congratulations Zyrene Estallo

Sarah Hall

Posted: May 30, 2023 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

  The School of Graduate Studies warmly congrulates Zyrene Estallo from the Faculty of Education for being named as one of the Final Five Storytellers at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) 2023 Storytellers Challenge! SSHRC's Storytellers Challenge asks students to decribe how their SSHRC funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians and improving society. This year's Final Five winners were selected from a field of over 200 submissions from...

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Zyrene Estallo Announced as Finalist in 2023 Storytellers Challenge

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 24, 2023 8:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to Zyrene Estallo of the Faculty of Education for being selected as one of the Top 25 SSHRC Storytellers finalists! To hear Zyrene's story check out her Storytellers submission below! Research title: Migration and Indigenous contexts of Mathematics Education (MINE): Changing storylines with strength-based pedagogies. Supervisor: Dr. David Wagner The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) 10th annual Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students...

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SGS Congratulates 2023 3MT Winners!


Posted: April 3, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

The School of Graduate Studies warmly congratulates the winners of the 2023 3MT competition! Joining the winners in the above photos are Dr. Erin Morton (acting Associate Dean of Graduate Studies) and Dr. Kevin Englehart (Associate Dean of Graduate Studies)  First Place: Jennifer Moore, Psychology, "Impact of noise on territorial defense behaviour in Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)"  Second Place: Anjana Gayathri Arunachalam, Electrical and Computer Engineering, "User...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Student Winners of Federal Tri-Council Awards - Jamie Evan Kitts

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 30, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Profile of: Jamie Evan Kitts Award Received: Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters (The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Awarded for the project: The Intersectional Gamer: A Political Sojourn into the Digital Walden Faculty: Arts Department: English Project supervised by: Stephen Schryer and David Huebert I think if you carefully read Henry David Thoreau’s concerns about emerging technology as a tool for spreading ideology, it provides a more...

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Images of Research 2023 Winners Announced

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 27, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Images of Research competition! This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harrient Irving Library asked UNB students to capture their work in a single image.  The images will be dispalyed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Including the winning entries below:  First prize was awarded to Timothy Blackmore for To Look Upon a Star (featured...

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UNB's 2023 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis)


Posted: March 20, 2023 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

You are warmly invited to attend UNB's 2023 Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) challenge hosted by the School of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Student Association. UNB will be hosting our local annual Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition during the afternoon of March 24, 2023. It will be an in-person event held in Fredericton at the Wu Centre in the Chancellor's Room from 12:30-3pm. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is an internationally recognized research communication competition. Participants...

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Fall Graduate Scholarship Opportunities

Sarah Hall

Posted: September 12, 2022 8:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , News and Events

Intersted in applying for some Fall scholarship opportunities? Check out the list of scholarships currently open for application below! Be sure to read the conditions carefully to make sure you are eligible before applying. *Students looking to apply to more than one award must submit applications for each specific award. Each application should be submitted in one file. Additional documents must be appended to the application form. Multiple documents will not be accepted. Prabha Shukla...

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Introducing the 2022 Eastern Regional 3-Minute Thesis Competition participants!


Posted: June 15, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies will be hosting this year’s Eastern Regional 3-Minute Thesis Competition tomorrow night (June 16) from 7-9 PM. Participants will be discussing their work on topics from ranging from Canadian memoirs to freshwater fish. We hope to see you there! Please register at the following link: This year's participants are: Carla AlChahir AlHajjar Polytechnique Montréal Fate factors for...

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Introducing the 3MT Eastern Regional Finals Judges


Posted: June 10, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

As announced last week the School of Graduate Studies is pleased to be hosting the Eastern Regional 3-Minute Thesis Competition, bringing together the winners of university 3MT competitions across Atlantic Canada and Quebec. This week, we are also very excited to announce that the judges for the event will be:  Wes Williams, also well known as Maestro Fresh-Wes (rapper, record producer, actor, and author) Robyn Tingley (author, speaker, and founder of GlassSKY Inc) Don Darling...

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3MT Eastern Regional Finals

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 3, 2022 8:25:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

  The University of New Brunswick is excited to be hosting the Three Minute Thesis Eastern Regional Finals being held virtually Thursday June 16th, 7-9 pm.The 3-Minute Thesis (3MT®) is an annual research competition developed by the University of Queensland to challenge graduate students to communicate their research and its significance in three minutes or less. This year, ten graduate schools from across Eastern Canada are sending the winners of their local Three-minute Thesis...

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SGS Congratulates Dr. Chloé Cherpin on winning the SFEN Jean Bourgeois prize!


Posted: June 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Dr. Chloé Cherpin has been awarded the Jean Bourgeois prize for best thesis by Société française d'énergie nucléaire. Chloé graduated this May with her doctorate in Chemical Engineering. Her thesis was entitled: Modeling the Behavior of Colloidal Corrosion Products in the Primary Circuit of Pressurized Water Reactors. An important contributor to radiation doses to workers in nuclear plants is the distribution of radioactive corrosion-product (oxide)...

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SGS Congratulates 2022 3MT Winners!


Posted: April 22, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies warmly congratulates the winners of the 2022 3MT competition! The judges were deeply impressed with the comprehensiveness, engagement, and storytelling capacity of all UNB students who took on this challenge.  First Place: Julia Macpherson ($500) for This is snow joke: freshwater fish may be more susceptible to acute copper toxicity at winter cold temperatures   Second Place: Kimberly Wilbur ($200)  Honourable Mention:...

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Images of Research Showcase Begins Today


Posted: April 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Come take a break and take a look! The Images of Research Competition Showcase begins today at both the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. The showcase will run between 12-2 for the month of April. You'll get a chance to see what graduate research at UNB looks like. Including the winning entries below:  First prize was awarded to Sarah Durham for Plenty of fish in the sea? (featured above) Second...

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Images of Research 2022 Winners Announced


Posted: April 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

President Paul Mazerolle congratulates the winners of UNB’s first annual Images of Research competition. This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons asked UNB graduate students to capture their work in a single image. Starting this Wednesday, The images will be displayed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to...

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SGS Celebrates Graduate Alumni - Dr. Kelly Chaves


Posted: February 2, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies congratulates UNB alumna Dr. Kelly Chaves (Governor General's Gold Medal Winner, 2020) on the award of an Omohundro Institute-National Endowment for the Humanities (US) post-doctoral fellowship. This prestigious award supports new research to illuminate 17th-and 18-century Indigenous cosmologies of the ocean and show how these understandings led to conflict with Europeans in Ninnimissinouk and Wabanaki country (southern New England, Maine, and Acadia in...

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Announcing Images of Research - a Competition for Graduate Students at UNB


Posted: December 6, 2021 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Money Matters

The School of Graduate Studies and the Harriet Irving Library Research Commons are collaborating to bring this opportunity to the UNB graduate student community on both Fredericton and Saint John campuses.  Growing from a competition that originated at the University of Illinois about a decade ago, Images of Research competitions have spread across the United States, Canada and beyond. This competition asks you to distill the essence of your research into a single still image with a...

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Canadian Federation of University Women Scholarship Opportunities


Posted: September 13, 2021 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , News and Events

Are you a female graduate student engaging in research here at UNB? Don't miss out on these scholarship opportunities and your chance to be recognized by the local chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women! Since its establishment, the Fredericton Chapter of CFUW has had a goal to enlarge and deepen educational interest, to promote friendship among university graduates and to stimulate interest in and action on the problems of the day. One of the first milestones achieved by the...

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UNB Student Mehboob Reza Awarded Chartered Fellow Status

Adrienne Wilson

Posted: April 20, 2021 12:00:00 PM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Mehboob Reza, a UNB PhD student in Interdisciplinary Studies whose thesis research is focused on preventing work-related musculoskeletal injuries, was recently awarded Chartered Fellow Status by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CFIOSH) in the United Kingdom. Chartered Fellowship status is regarded as the pinnacle of the occupational health and safety profession and is awarded to only 2% of the 48,000 global members of CFIOSH. It is awarded to Chartered Professionals who have...

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Free Online Professional Skills Development Courses and Workshops for Graduate Students and Postdocs – April - June

Adrienne Wilson

Posted: April 8, 2021 4:00:00 PM ADT

Category: News and Events

Mitacs Training provides professional skills development courses for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Workshops are interactive, collaborative, and offered at no cost to students or academic institutions. Mitacs Training Schedule – April–June 2021 Workshop Title Session Dates Project Management May 20th – 21st, 2021 – Online via. Zoom9am – 5pm (both days) ADT Time Management June 4th, 2021 – Online via. Zoom9am – 5pm...

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Canadian Federation of University Women Scholarship Opportunities


Posted: September 30, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , News and Events

Are you a female graduate student engaging in research here at UNB? Don't miss out on these scholarship opportunities and your chance to be recognized by the local chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women! Since its establishment, the Fredericton Chapter of CFUW has had a goal to enlarge and deepen educational interest, to promote friendship among university graduates and to stimulate interest in and action on the problems of the day. One of the first milestones achieved by the...

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UNB’s 2020 Vanier Winners

Trystan Carter

Posted: June 24, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories , News and Events

Of the many scholarships available to PhD students in Canada, few are more coveted and prestigious than the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship for doctoral students. Administered jointly by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), it is an incredible honour for the student to be awarded the scholarship, as well as for the institution they attend....

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UNB’s 2020 3MT Competition and winner, Joanne LeBlanc-Haley

Trystan Carter

Posted: June 5, 2020 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

For many students, the Three Minute Thesis Competition, more commonly known as 3MT, is an excellent opportunity to not only workshop their research direction, but also a great way to develop their public speaking and presentation skills. Although 3MT tends to be an in-person event, moving the competition online didn’t prevent this year’s competitors from wowing the judges and impressing their peers, and no one excelled more than this year’s winner, Joanne...

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GEAR - Graduate Essentials for Academic Research


Posted: October 27, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

UNB Libraries is hosting a workshop series developed to introduce the skills, tools and resources graduate students will need for success throughout their graduate program. The workshops are open to all graduate students, both new and continuing, and as an added bonus... they are free of charge! Check out the list of events below. DateTimeSessionLocation October 17 2:00pm - 3:30pm Zotero HIL, Learning Lab #112 October 29 10:00am - 11:30am Library Research Tools for STEM HIL, Learning Lab...

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Canadian Federation of University Women Scholarship Opportunities


Posted: September 19, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Money Matters

Are you a female graduate student engaging in research here at UNB? Don't miss out on these scholarship opportunities and your chance to be recognized by the local chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women! Since its establishment, the Fredericton Chapter of CFUW has had a goal to enlarge and deepen educational interest, to promote friendship among university graduates and to stimulate interest in and action on the problems of the day. One of the first milestones achieved by the...

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Recruitment Events


Posted: September 18, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

Interested in Graduate Studies @ UNB? UNB’s Graduate Student Recruiter, Laura Gilks, will be attending various recruitment events across Canada this Fall, as well as a short trip to attend College events in Maine. These events are generally hosted on-campus by career and development centres in the Fall. The events are as great way promote further study, and is an opportunity for students to engage with graduate schools or professional programs from other institutions across Canada and...

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Upcoming Workshops for Graduate Students


Posted: September 16, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies has a variety of upcoming workshops scheduled for graduate students ranging from informational workshops on applying for federal funding, to full day professional development workshops, all free of charge! To keep current with our workshop schedule, be sure to check out our website. September 17 - NSERC Site Visit NSERC Program Officers will be on-site to provide undergrad and grad students all of the details on applying for major federal funding through the...

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2019 Atlantic Provinces Autism Conference - Call for Posters


Posted: July 23, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

Later this fall, the College of Extended Learning will be playing host to the 2019 Atlantic Provinces Autism Conference, which aims to bring together contributors to the field for two days of informative, thought provoking sessions and keynote addresses by experts in the assessment, treatment, and support of individuals on the autism spectrum. As part of the two day event, the conference is inviting poster submissions from graduate students  whose research aligns with the mission and...

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Summer Scholarship Opportunities


Posted: June 27, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

Interested in applying for some summer scholarship opportunities? Check out the list of scholarships currently open for application below!  Be sure to read the conditions carefully to make sure you are eligible before applying. *students looking to apply to more than one award must submit applications for each specific award. UNB Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship Value: $6,000 Conditions: Awarded to graduate students (Master's or Doctoral) who have a demonstrated interest in the...

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2019 Three Minute Thesis Results


Posted: March 28, 2019 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

Last week played host to the annual Graduate Research Conference, held in the Wu Conference Centre, as well as the 2019 rendition of UNB's Three Minute Thesis Challenge. 3MT gives students a chance to present their research projects in, as the title suggests, three minutes or less. Brave participants from departments across both of our talented campuses came together and delivered eleven fantastic presentations to a panel of judges and to a large audiences in the Chancellor's room. By the end...

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Free! MITACS Professional Development for Grad Students


Posted: January 22, 2019 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Interested in growing your professional skills? MITACS has the solution! MITACS works with institutions like UNB to provide professional skills development to students free of charge! By taking advantage of this program, grad students will have access to courses which will focus on growing networking skills, improving your communication, developing your presentation skills and more! Interested in learning more about the MITACS Training Program? Check out their newly launched EDGE portal where...

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2019 Three Minute Thesis Challenge!


Posted: January 16, 2019 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Money Matters , News and Events

Win cash for describing your research! 2019 Three Minute Thesis Challenge The planning for the 2019 rendition of our annual Three Minute Thesis challenge is in the works, and a date has been set for the exciting event. On March 22, students will be given three minutes to describe their research, and will have a shot at winning some cash for doing so! Cash prizes will be offered to the top three presentations, as well as an all expenses paid trip to the Eastern Regional Competition going to...

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Happy Holidays!


Posted: December 18, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Happy Holidays from the team at the School of Graduate Studies!

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Graduate Research Conference Showcase


Posted: December 10, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Can you believe it? It is already that time of year again, and I am not talking about the Holiday season! As per the annual tradition, the Graduate Student Associate has recently announced their call for abstracts for next year's rendition of the Graduate Student Research Conference. The 26th annual conference will be held March 21-22, 2019 at the Wu Conference Centre on the UNB Fredericton Campus. Graduate students will be given the opportunity to share their research with students, faculty,...

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Annual NBIF Award Luncheon


Posted: November 9, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Students, Faculty and staff took over the Long Hall in the Currie Center early last month in order to celebrate the achievements of some of our graduate and undergraduate students. Students awarded NBIF Graduate Awards this past year were invited to the annual gathering to celebrate their achievements, mingle with their colleagues, as well as meet some of the friendly faces from the School of Graduate Studies and the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, who partner to offer this significant...

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GEAR - Graduate Essentials for Academic Research


Posted: October 9, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

UNB Libraries is hosting a full-day workshop developed to introduce te skills, tools and resources graduate students will need for success throughout their graduate program. The workshop is open to all graduate students, both new and continuing, and as an added bonus... it is free of charge! Check out the list of events below. 10:00 - 11:00 AM: Advanced Research for Humanities & Social Sciences (Joanne Smythe and David Ross) OR Library Research Tools for STEM students (Saran Croos & Tatiana...

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Recent IDST Grad on Track at Wilfred Laurier University

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Posted: July 30, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

A recent IDST graduate student has been celebrating some exciting news this summer after being offered, and accepting, a tenure track position in Women and Gender Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr. Karen Stote, a 2012 graduate of the University of New Brunswick's PhD program in Interdisciplinary Studies, accepted the position after teaching contract for several years with the school. Karen also spent some time teaching at St. Thomas University, a close neighbor to the UNB...

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New and Familiar Faces


Posted: July 3, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Faculty Focus

Change is the theme of the month as we melt into the month of July after a long and hot Canada day weekend! July marks the beginning of new directions, however different they may be, for two long-time members of the Grad School team in Dr. Bruce MacDonald and Dr. John Kershaw. Bruce will be hanging up his whiteboard markers and erasers to join the list of retired Faculty members from the University of New Brunswick's Saint John campus and John will be transitioning into an exciting new role...

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New Research Funding for UNB


Posted: June 11, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Money Matters , News and Events

May was a big month for research at the University of New Brunswick, with Tri-Council funding results making their way across the nation, and many new and current researchers on both UNB campuses receiving exciting news. At the same time, the Province of New Brunswick announced $11.4 million dollars in research funding through the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, NBIF, a large portion of which will support research at UNB. Attending the announcement were, from right to left,...

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Joining Together: A Quest to Grow Health Research


Posted: May 28, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Faculty Focus

If you live in the Saint John area, or visit the city often, you might have recently noticed the emergence of monthly gatherings of a diverse group of people, with a common goal. Quest-SJ, a group made up of researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, students and other stakeholders, is an interdisciplinary group who meets monthly to work towards the common goal of building capacity and collaboration in qualitative research in the broader context of healthcare. Group members from a...

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UNBSJ Student Recognized with National Women's Merit Award


Posted: May 14, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

A UNBSJ graduate student, working in the Department of Biology, has recently been recognized with a Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada Graduate Merit Award. Kristin Dinning, a Ph.D candidate, was presented the award last month at an awards ceremony at the organization's annual conference, which took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kristin was recognized for her work identifying and protecting lobster habitat, and for her outstanding volunteer and leadership activities on her...

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From West to East


Posted: May 7, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events

The Psychology Department on the Fredericton campus recently added a top student to their graduate team, but they are not the only roster on campus who will benefit from her presence. Along with the Psychology graduate program, the University of New Brunswick Varisty Reds will also welcome Siobhan Fitzpatrick with open arms to their women's volleyball program, beginning in the fall. Siobhan joins the VReds after four successful years of study at the University of British Columbia-Okanagan, in...

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Graduate Research Spotlight


Posted: April 9, 2018 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Three Minute Thesis Challenge Graduate students took over the stage last Thursday at this year's rendition of the Three Minute Thesis Challenge, with 10 prestenters working towards a common goal, to deliver their research in three minutes or less. Along with the chance to show the public what exciting and groundbreaking research they are working on day to day here at UNB, the students were also looking for the chance to be the UNB respresentative at this year's Eastern Regional 3MT...

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It's 3MT Week!


Posted: April 3, 2018 5:00:00 AM ADT

Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Although it is tough to be excited after returning from an extended long weekend, we think we might have something that will do the trick! It's 3MT week at UNB! Thursday afternoon, students from faculties campus wide will be given the opportunity to present their research in three minutes or less in the form of the Three Minute Thesis Challenge. April 05, at 3:00pm will mark UNB's second rendition of this exciting event, where students will be challenged to present their results to an...

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Time For A Break!


Posted: March 2, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Can you believe it? March Break is already upon us, and both UNB campuses will be a little less busy next week. The Grad School will remain open for the entirety of the break, with regular office hours of 8:00am-4:30pm. Take time to relax and refresh during the week off, and enjoy the weather we have in store. Looking for something to do on Thursday? Check out our on campus workshop where students will learn how to network!

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New Brunswick Family Day


Posted: February 15, 2018 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

With New Brunswick's first annual Family Day coming this weekend, we wanted to send out a quick note to indicate that the School of Graduate Studies will be closed Monday, February 19th, re-opening the following day for business as usual! Enjoy the time with family and friends!

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Developing Your Professional Skills - Upcoming Presentations and Workshops


Posted: February 12, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Join us! The School of Graduate Studies has a variety of workshops and presentations planned in the very near future to help you communicate your research effectively and grow your personal network, both key skills of a career researcher. ‘But I have a Point…’: Communicating your Ideas to Others Dr. David Creelman, Professor and Chair in the Department of English at UNB Saint John and winner of a 3M National Teaching Fellowship award, will provide a workshop guiding students...

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New Graduate Program in Quantitative Investment


Posted: January 29, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: Faculty Focus , News and Events

The University of New Brunswick has recently announced a new Masters program: the Master in Quantitative Investment Management (MQIM) degree is a unique, one-year graduate program that will prepare students for a specialized career in quantitative investment management at the heart of the modern financial sector.The program equips graduates with the fundamentals of finance knowledge combined with analytic programming skills, as well as professional development competencies demanded by the Bay...

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Win Cash for Describing your Research!


Posted: January 29, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Money Matters

Join us for the 2018 rendition of our 3MT challenge! What is a 3MT challenge? 3MT stands for Three Minute Thesis. Students have three minutes and one power point slide to present their research in an engaging and accessible way to a nonspecialist audience. They are judged on the comprehension/content and the engagement/communication of their presentation by a panel of three individuals from the university community. Participation in a 3MT challenge is an excellent professional development...

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Introducing: Thesis Corner


Posted: January 8, 2018 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Thesis Corner

The School of Graduate Studies is excited to announce the addition of a new section to the blog! Thesis Corner Thesis Corner will be a way to announce upcoming thesis proposals and defences happening on both the Fredericton and Saint John Campuses. Each post will include the thesis abstract, along with the time and location of the presentation to allow students, faculty, staff and the public to attend should the topic pique their interest! Stay tuned for upcoming posts, which will appear as...

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NBIF Award Recipients Gather


Posted: December 11, 2017 6:59:00 AM AST

Category: Student Stories , Money Matters , News and Events

The School of Graduate Studies, with support from the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, recently celebrated recent NBIF award recipients with a luncheon in the Great Hall of the historic Sir Howard Douglas Hall building on the UNB Fredericton campus. Students were joined by faculty and staff as well by NBIF's President and CEO, Calvin Milbury, and its Director of Research, Lindsay Bowman along with UNB's Vice President of Research, Dr. David Magee, and its Vice President-Academic, Dr....

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Focus on Research


Posted: December 11, 2017 6:00:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events

Save the date! This year's Graduate Research Conference (GRC) will take place Friday, March 23rd, 2018. Graduate research will take over the Wu Centre in March when UNB graduate students, as well as keynote speakers, take the stage to share their research stories! Last year's GRC involved more than 60 presenters, and the GSA (Graduate Student Association) hopes to best that this year, which will be the 25th year of the conference! Graduate student research will also be showcased at the 2018...

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MTME Welcomes New Professor


Posted: November 27, 2017 5:59:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Faculty Focus

One of ourfastest growing graduate programs, Technology Management Entrepreneurship, has attracted a preeminent scholar as a new Adjunct Professor at UNB. Dr. Jonathon Calof, from the University of Ottawa is an expert in competitive intelligence, technical foresight and business analytics. Dr. Calof has authored more 150 publications, and delivered over 1000 seminars, keynote addresses, and offers his extensive experience and expertise to companies, government organizations and...

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Farewell and Welcome!


Posted: November 20, 2017 6:58:00 AM AST

Category: News and Events , Faculty Focus

We recently paid farewell to Mrs. Janet Amirault  (at right below with Dr. George MacLean, Vice-President Academic). Janet served for many years as Graduate Program Officer in the SGS and as Graduate Secretary to the Interdisciplinary Studies and Applied Health Services Research programs. Janet was treasured by the countless students she supported and by the Faculty and Staff alike … as well as by her friends in the SGS! Fortunately, Janet’s retirement is only partial, as she...

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