SSHRC's 2023 Storytellers Final Five Announced - Congratulations Zyrene Estallo
Author: Sarah Hall
Posted on May 30, 2023
Category: News and Events , Student Stories

The School of Graduate Studies warmly congrulates Zyrene Estallo from the Faculty of Education for being named as one of the Final Five Storytellers at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) 2023 Storytellers Challenge!
SSHRC's Storytellers Challenge asks students to decribe how their SSHRC funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians and improving society. This year's Final Five winners were selected from a field of over 200 submissions from students accross the country. The Top 25 Storytellers had the opportunity to present their story at the SSHRC Storytellers Showcase in front of a panel of judges and a live audience. Each finalist received $3,000 and the Final Five received an additional $1,000 in recognition of their acheivement.
Check out the Top 25 submissions at the 2023 Storytellers Gallery.
Congratuations Zyrene!