SGS Celebrates 2024 Vanier Recipient - Clare Heggie

Sarah Hall

Posted: June 4, 2024 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories, News and Events, Money Matters

Profile of: Clare Heggie Award Received: 2024-2027 Vanier Graduate Scholarship Dissertation Title: The health of incarcerated and criminalized women in rural and remote communities Department: Interdisciplinary Studies Supervisor: Dr. Martha Paynter My doctoral research focuses on the intersection of rurality, gender, and incarceration as structural determinants of health. Women are the...

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2024 Summer Scholarship Opportunities

Sarah Hall

Posted: May 1, 2024 4:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Money Matters

Interested in applying for some summer scholarship opportunities? Check out the list of scholarships currently open for application below!  Be sure to read the conditions carefully to make sure you are eligible before applying. *students looking to apply to more than one award must submit applications for each specific award. Each application should be submitted in one file. Additional...

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SGS Celebrates Emily Williams - Recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 22, 2024 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories, News and Events, Money Matters

Congratulations to Emily Williams who was recently announced as the recipient of the 2024 Thierry Chopin Award for Graduate Coastal Studies.   Emily is co-supervised by Dr. Ben Speers-Roesch and Dr. James Kieffer of the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John Campus (UNBSJ). Her project asks how do Arctic fishes (Arctic char, Greenland cod, and...

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Taylor McAulay Announced as Finalist in 2024 Storytellers Challenge

Sarah Hall

Posted: April 5, 2024 12:00:00 PM ADT

Category: Student Stories, News and Events

Congratulations to Taylor McAulay from Psychology (Fredericton) for being selected as one of the Top 25 SSHRC Storytellers finalists! To hear Taylor's story check out her submission below! Research title: Adolescent Sport Dropout: A Longitudinal Study of Barriers to Play and Effects of Dropout. Supervisor: Dr. Janine Olthuis The 2024 SSHRC Storytellers Challenge asks postsecondary students to...

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Images of Research 2024 Winners Announced

Sarah Hall

Posted: March 26, 2024 8:40:00 AM ADT

Category: Student Stories, News and Events

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Images of Research competition! This collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and the Harrient Irving Library Research Commons asked UNB students to capture their work in a single image.  This year's images will be dispalyed at the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library....

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