Images of Research Showcase Begins Today
Author: Andrea
Posted on Apr 6, 2022
Category: News and Events , Student Stories

Come take a break and take a look! The Images of Research Competition Showcase begins today at both the Hans W. Klohn Commons and the Research Commons on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library. The showcase will run between 12-2 for the month of April. You'll get a chance to see what graduate research at UNB looks like. Including the winning entries below:
First prize was awarded to Sarah Durham for Plenty of fish in the sea? (featured above)
Second prize was awarded to Gina Lonati for A humpback whale gets a check-up
Third prize was awarded to Natassja Brien for Observation
Honorable Mentions were awarded to Ella Middleton for The perks of Arctic research... eating your leftover samples!, Kiirsti Owen for Early biologists get the birds, and Natalie Rideout for It's just a ditch... or is it?
Congratulations to all of the winners and thanks to everyone who participated.