Recognizing the great teachers and researchers among us
Author: Faculty of Management
Posted on May 30, 2023

There is a lot to celebrate during the month of May at UNB: spring, Encaenia, the beginning of new journeys and careers. In the faculty of management, we also like to pay tribute to our professors by awarding teaching and research awards to those who have made outstanding contributions. Hats off to the following recipients of our 2023 teaching and research awards:
Faculty of Management Excellence in Teaching Award
Recipients of the Teaching Award are selected annually by faculty of management students and alumni. This year they chose to recognize Dr. Hsin-Chen Lin. Lin is a member of the marketing area and teaches principles of marketing, global marketing, and social media marketing. Growing up in Taiwan and completing her PhD studies in the United States influenced her research interests in researching cross-cultural studies. Her research focuses on understanding how word-of-mouth, sponsorship, and social media marketing affect brand equity according to national cultures and countries. Her social media marketing course is popular for its experiential learning projects where students work with local businesses to plan and execute social media campaigns.
Faculty of Management Excellence in Research Award
Dr. David Foord was chosen by a committee of his peers to receive the 2023 Excellence in Research Award which recognizes cumulative outstanding research output over a six-year period. A member of the business administration area, Foord teaches courses in innovation, entrepreneurship, competitive strategy, and community leadership. He has published research on the upper limb powered prosthetics industry, the US carbon black industry, marketing in the Canadian electric utility industry, and science, technology, and innovation policy in New Brunswick. He has also published studies on science, technology and innovation in the lighting, power and biomedical industries. Foord’s work has been published in books, book chapters, and such journals as Enterprise & Society, Prometheus, Health Policy, and Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Foord is an advisory board member of the Emera and NB Power Research Center and the Energy Modelling Hub.
Faculty of Management Annual Research Award
The Annual Research Award recognizes outstanding research over one calendar year. This year the selection committee chose Dr. Patrick Bruning for this recognition. Bruning’s research interests include job crafting, social influence, leadership, motivation, and well-being. His work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organizational behavior and Human Decision) Processes, Human Resource Management, and the International Journal of Human Resource Management among others. He is a member of the business administration area and teaches course in leadership motivation and organizational behavior.PHOTO: Faculty of management professors are recognized for their award-winning teaching and research endeavours.
Learn more about Dr. Hsin-Chen Lin, Dr. David Foord, Dr. Patrick Bruning and the faculty of management.
Media Contact: Liz Lemon-Mitchell