December 10 -21 Oral Examinations
Author: kyle
Posted on Dec 9, 2018
Category: Thesis Corner

Upcoming oral examinations
For more information on any of the below oral examinations, please contact the associated department.
Erfan Bhuiyan, Economics
Can Macroeconomic Variables Explain Long Term Movements of Stock Market Sector Indices? A Comparison of the US and Canada.
December 17, 2018
1:00pm, Singer Hall, Room 449
Romey Heuff, Education
Befindlichkeit and Imagination An Excursion into Emancipatory Learning
December 17, 2018
11:00am, Marshall D'Avray, Room 226
Xu Ma, Forestry & Environmental Management
Early Growth and Survival of Planted Hardwoods in the Acadian Forest
December 17, 2018
10:00am, Forestry and Geology, Room 202 (Dean's Conference Room)
Tiancheng Wu, Forestry & Environmental Management
Life cycle assessment on hybrid timber buildings
December 17, 2018
12:00pm, Forestry and Geology, Room 202 (Dean's Conference Room)
Brandon Fillmore, Chemistry
Synthesis of Organic Building Blocks Featuring the One-Imine Motif
December 18, 2018
9:00am, Toole Hall, Room 303
James Kelley, Biology Saint John
Spring migration of scoter and loon species in the Bay of Fundy: quantifying environmental influences, estimating afternoon migration, and analyzing trends between 2000 and 2017.
December 19, 2018
9:00am, Ganong Hall, 115
Alex Snow, Math & Stats
STweedie Nonlinear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data
December 19, 2018
10:00am, Tilley Hall, Room 404
Eric Ye Liu, Forestry & Environmental Management
Economics of Early Intervention to Suppress a Potential Spruce Budworm Outbreak in New Brunswick, Canada
December 20, 2018
2:00pm, Forestry and Geology, Room 202 (Dean's Conference Room)