Norman Siebrasse shares expertise in Seoul

Author: Faculty of Law

Posted on Dec 14, 2018

Category: Faculty

Professor Norman Siebrasse recently traveled to Seoul, South Korea at the invitation of the Seoul National University, Asia-Pacific Law Institute & Center for Law and Technology, where he delivered the lead paper in a seminar - “The Impact of the FRAND Declaration on Patent Remedies.”

Standards, such as the Wi-Fi standard for wireless internet, or the MPEG standard for playing videos, are ubiquitous in modern technologies. Many patented technologies are essential to implementing such standards, and in order to ensure that firms that implement standards do not get “held up” by patentees, owners of standard-essential patents are generally obliged to commit to licensing their technology on “fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms” – this is the FRAND declaration.

Professor Siebrasse teaches courses in:

  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Remedies
  • Competition & Trade Regulation

His blog Sufficient Description comments on recent Canadian patent law cases, and is widely read by the Canadian patent bar. His writing, including his blog, is regularly cited by the Canadian courts.