The Green Review

UNB Sustainability's Summary of New Brunswick's Climate Change Action Plan

UNB Sustainability

Posted: December 12, 2022 1:30:00 PM AST

Category: Questions, News

The University of New Brunswick's Sustainability summary of New Brunswick’s ‘Pathway Towards Decarbonization and Climate Resilience New Brunswick’s Climate Change Action Plan 2022-2027’. A Climate Change Action Plan is a widely used tool to establish objectives for mitigating human impacts and adapting to climate change. The revised plan uses the 2016 Climate Change...

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Sustainability Dictionary

UNB Sustainability

Posted: November 30, 2022 3:40:00 PM AST

Category: Questions, News

Your go-to guide for commonly used climate change and sustainability terminology. Adaptation vs Mitigation: Adaptation is making changes to better withstand future impacts. Mitigation is making changes to prevent climate change impact. (i.e., building seawalls to protect against erosion (adaptation) vs reducing greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the severity of climate change impacts...

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How and why to mend your clothing

UNB Sustainability

Posted: November 2, 2022 12:05:00 PM ADT

Category: News, Questions

Fashion companies, like most, work by supply and demand. So, reducing our consumption is the simplest solution to the fast fashion crisis and a cultural attitude shift in how the industry works. Thus, it is essential to have a balance between sustainability and fashion. Due to high demand and cheap production, modern clothing has a short lifespan. The more people buy, the more waste is sent to...

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What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

UNB Sustainability

Posted: October 2, 2022 10:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Questions, News

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations member states in 2015, consist of 17 goals that provide a shared blueprint for a more sustainable and equitable world. In addition, each goal has specific targets and indicators to help monitor progress towards achieving them.The SDGs address the most pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges in developing and...

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Green Events

UNB Sustainability

Posted: September 14, 2022 9:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Questions, Programs and Updates

The Green Event Program provides and supports community members interested in hosting a sustainable event on campus. Whether small or large, events have a potential negative impact on the environment and people. For example, events that include food tend to generate more waste compared to others. The Green Event program allows you to minimize potential negative impacts and showcase your...

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Coming Back Sustainably Round II

UNB Sustainability

Posted: September 2, 2022 9:50:00 AM ADT

Category: News

As we prepare for the new school year, UNB Sustainability wants to continue encouraging community members to engage in more sustainable actions. Here are the pillars we use to guide you toward a more sustainable return to campus this fall. Bring your own Plastic pollution has been recognized as a pressing environmental issue worldwide. More specifically, single-use plastic. Research shows that...

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How to Become a WWF Living Planet Leader

WWF Living Planet Leaders

Posted: March 24, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Opinion, Programs and Updates

Living Planet Leader (LPL) is a self-guided certification that will enhance your resume as well as recognize your sustainable efforts while at university. To earn this title, you must complete a set of actions in four categories outlined by the WWF. Each category is listed below, along with a brief description of how our current LPLs achieved them. Campus, Community or Global Volunteerism To...

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Nestbox Project

Campus as a Learning Lab

Posted: March 17, 2022 12:00:00 AM ADT

Category: Programs and Updates, News

Campus as a Learning Lab integrates academic research and teaching, using the university as a sandbox to explore opportunities and test new ideas, reflecting on our successes and failures. At UNB Saint John, the course SOCS4501 (held in the Fall Semester) allows students to implement their ideas to improve campus sustainability. This is the story of the Nestbox Project by Jennifer Moore. It is...

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What is Climate Justice

UNB Sustainability

Posted: March 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Questions

Climate justice is increasingly being demanded around the world. To grasp the meaning of climate justice, it is important to first understand the social complexities of climate change. As we know, climate change as previously defined in the Green Review refers to the long-term shift in average weather conditions. While there are several causes of climate change, recent IPCC reports have...

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What is the IPCC

UNB Sustainability

Posted: February 17, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Questions

The IPCC stands for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1988. The purpose of the IPCC is to provide all member countries with a scientific framework to help them develop nation specific climate policies. The framework is typically in the form of an assessment...

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What's old is new again

Marc Bragdon - Head of the Research Commons

Posted: February 10, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Programs and Updates, Opinion

Fix it Mondays at the Fabrication Lab   As new initiatives go, the Fabrication Lab on the third floor of the Harriet Irving Library, part of the Research Commons, is a throwback and a step ahead. The 3D imaging and printing technologies you’ll find here are heralds of a revolution in manufacturing and material learning whose implications are only beginning to reveal...

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Can we really make packaging out of squished apples?


Posted: February 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Programs and Updates

The story of PomPak - UNB Sustainability's winner for the Apex Business Plan Competition 2022 In the summer of 2021, four chemical engineering students came together to start brainstorming what we wanted to do for our senior design project. We knew it would be a huge part of the next eight months of our lives, so we wanted to pick a topic that inspired us, a topic we were excited about. We...

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What is Biodiversity

UNB Sustainability

Posted: January 10, 2022 12:00:00 AM AST

Category: Questions

The term “biodiversity” or “biological diversity” refers to the living animals/plants and the processes that affect their abundance, expressed at genetic, species and ecosystem levels. Simply put, biodiversity describes the variety of all life on Earth, in all its forms and interactions at different levels. Why is biodiversity important? Past research has shown that...

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