Foundation extends support for Beaverbrook Scholars Award
Author: Development and Donor Relations
Posted on Aug 25, 2020
Category: Scholarships and Bursaries , Creating Opportunities for Students , Donor Stories , News and Events

The Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation will continue its support of UNB’s Beaverbrook Scholars Award for a further two years, matching donations from Beaverbrook Scholars to a maximum of $100,000 per year. This will bring the foundation’s total contribution to the award to $500,000 over five years.
In 2018, the foundation announced a commitment to match gifts to the award up to $300,000 over three years. The renewed commitment of a further $200,000 extends the matching program until 2022.
“Beaverbrook Scholars are consistently among the most promising students in New Brunswick,” says UNB President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Paul Mazerolle. “Over the last three years, this matching gift program has inspired alumni and friends to generously support the next generation of Beaverbrook Scholars. We are so pleased and thankful that the foundation continues to honour Lord Beaverbrook’s legacy of support for the University and Province.”
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of Beaverbrook Scholarships at UNB. The first Beaverbrook Scholarships were established in 1920 by Lord Beaverbrook. In 1979, former Beaverbrook Scholarship recipients established the Beaverbrook Scholars Award to pay tribute to Lord Beaverbrook and continue the tradition of helping shape future leaders.
Awarded to outstanding graduates of New Brunswick high schools beginning an undergraduate degree program at UNB, the Beaverbrook Scholars Award is valued at $50,000 over four years.
“As president of the Foundation that bears my great-grandfather’s name, I am delighted to continue supporting Beaverbrook Scholars as he first did 100 years ago,” says the Hon. Maxwell Aitken. “Lord Beaverbrook cared deeply about New Brunswick and UNB, and it is our mission to carry on his legacy of philanthropy.”
The Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation was created by Lord Beaverbrook in 1960 to continue his philanthropy to the causes he had championed during his lifetime, including those he was most passionate about at UNB. The foundation funds organizations seeking to improve the quality of life for the next generation, through activities in the fields of education, health, social welfare, and culture.