The Green Review

Green Champion: Leen Abu Al Sha'r

Author: UNB Sustainability

Posted on Jan 8, 2024


Hello, I'm Leen Abu Al Sha’r, currently in my second year of BBA studies here at UNB. My passion for sustainable practices began in my very first geography class, where we watched David Attenborough documentaries on deforestation and climate change.

This initial spark of curiosity grew as I witnessed the undeniable impacts of global warming and learned that I grew up in the country with the highest per capita carbon footprint. My initial curiosity then transformed to a personal commitment to take action and delve deeper into sustainable living.

My commitment to sustainability has extended to my family, who I've enthusiastically encouraged to engage in practices like conserving water, enjoying seasonal foods and unplugging chargers when not in use.

On the individual level, I've already adopted several sustainable habits such as thrifting, donating clothes, and repurposing old or damaged items. But with all that, I still felt the desire to keep going, explore further opportunities, and gain more knowledge.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t easy. Being a full-time business student and having various extracurricular commitments, I questioned the practicality of exploring this passion of mine. I worried that balancing my degree requirements while pursuing these interests might potentially deter me from my business pursuits.

On top of that, I lacked confidence that I would ever be qualified for any position since I had not taken any prior university level courses in conservation, sustainability, etc. I'm now delighted to say, despite all my initial beliefs, that I held a Work-Study position with UNB Sustainability in the 2023 fall term!

This position allowed me to contribute to and learn more about sustainability, bridging the gap between my academic pursuits and my commitment to making a positive impact on the environment.

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