Office of Experiential Education
Posted: August 30, 2023 11:30:00 AM ADT
Category: Student Champions , Community Partners , Faculty Champions
For years, UNB Faculty of Nursing students and their instructors have been established meaningful partnerships and contributed to community health initiatives in New Brunswick. Recent challenges, combined with some timely funding through CEWIL Canada, created new opportunities for nursing students to make a difference. CEWIL iHUB funding helped Nursing students do more through the experiential education opportunities to the benefit of everyone involved. CEWIL iHUB supports work-integrated...
Lee Whelan
Posted: December 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM AST
Category: Student Champions , Faculty Champions
Reflection is an integral part of experiential education. To truly get the benefits from experiential learning, students need to actively reflect on their experience to understand not only what they learned, but how they learned it. This process improves student’s problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to self-regulate their learning and manage their time. Most importantly, with guidance from educators and mentors, it allows them to “challenge underlying assumptions, and...