Learning Through Experience
Sharing our successes with experiential learning at UNB

EngagedUNB applications open for students

Author: Sandy MacKay and Lee Whelan

Posted on Apr 20, 2022

Category: ExperienceUNB

Get meaningful, paid work experience in your community. EngagedUNB matches you with a community partner for an internship up to 16 weeks long. Set goals for your internship, develop professional skills, network, and reflect on what you learn.


  • From any UNB faculty, study year or campus
  • Returning to UNB in Fall 2022
  • Equity deserving
  • Able to demonstrate financial need
TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY TODAY, VISIT: experienceUNB and from your dashboard click Office of Experiential Education → EngagedUNB → View Available Programs/Courses → EngagedUNB/Apply

 Have questions? Contact the EngagedUNB Team at experiential@unb.ca