UNB announces Currie Scholars for 2022-23
Author: Development and Donor Relations
Posted on May 30, 2022
Category: News and Events , Scholarships and Bursaries

Four outstanding high school students are winners of the prestigious Currie Undergraduate Scholarships at the University of New Brunswick.
The scholarships, valued at $65,000 each, were established in 2004 by one of Canada’s most accomplished business leaders and philanthropists, UNB Chancellor Emeritus Dr. Richard J. Currie, who was a Beaverbrook Scholar as a young man. Each year, the Currie Scholarships recognize Atlantic Canadian high school students for their potential leadership skills, present community involvement, academic success and obstacles overcome.
This year’s recipients are Lexa Lloyd, Kohen Prince-Vautour, Lauren Shears and Anjali Singh.
Lexa Lloyd of Escuminac, NB, will graduate in June from James M. Hill Memorial High School in Miramichi, NB. Lexa has played volleyball throughout her high school career and was chosen captain of her Volleyball New Brunswick team in her second year with that organization. A student council member and volunteer at many school sporting events, Lexa also volunteers as a tutor. Lexa will begin a bachelor of science degree on UNB’s Fredericton campus.
Kohen Prince-Vautour of Miramichi, NB, comes to UNB from Miramichi Valley High School. President of both the student council and the robotics club, Kohen played high school volleyball and established a peer tutoring program at his school. Outside of school, Kohen has volunteered with a local soup kitchen and as a youth leader with the Boys and Girls Club. He will begin a bachelor of science in engineering degree on UNB’s Fredericton campus.
Oxford, NS’s Lauren Shears is in grade 12 at Oxford Regional Education Centre. Lauren is a member of her school’s grad class committee and works part-time tutoring her fellow students. An active 4H member and junior leader, Lauren is also a member of Cumberland Performing Arts and volunteers with the Town of Oxford’s recreation youth committee, assisting with activities like parades and children’s summer camps. Lauren will begin a bachelor of science in engineering degree on UNB’s Fredericton campus.
Anjali Singh of Saint Andrews, NB, comes to UNB from Sir James Dunn Academy. A member of the student representative council, renaissance club, grad class executive and co-editor of the yearbook, Anjali has also been involved in many school sports and founded the school’s technology club. She volunteered for several years with Me to We and the St. Andrews Youth Centre, assisting with local and international community service. She is a recipient of several outstanding student awards including a 2019 NB Turning Point Award and the Leanne Butters Award of Excellence. Anjali will begin a bachelor of science degree on UNB’s Saint John campus.
The Currie Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to students beginning a degree program at UNB upon graduation from a high school in any of the four Atlantic provinces. These scholarships, which essentially pay all costs associated with any four-year undergraduate program, are intended to support the education of future leaders.
Dr. Currie started university at UNB and ended with an MBA from Harvard. He served as UNB Chancellor from 2003 to 2013 and became Chancellor Emeritus in May 2014. Dr. Currie played a fundamental role in the development, design, and financing of the state-of-the-art Richard J. CURRIE CENTER on UNB’s Fredericton campus. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada, a member of the Order of New Brunswick, and a Companion of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame.