Q&A: Kate Palmer, UNB Alumni Student Leadership recipient
Author: UNB Alumni
Posted on Dec 1, 2022
Category: Young Alumni , UNB Fredericton , Science , Inspiring Stories

Recipient of a 2022-23 Alumni Student Leadership Award, Kate Palmer is a science student on the UNB Fredericton campus, who is not afraid to tackle uncomfortable topics to improve student life. Kate’s involvement on campus includes advocating for mental and menstrual health. Her community volunteer work includes Liberty Lane, a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.
What inspired you to enroll in UNB’s faculty of science?
I have been interested in the sciences for as long as I can remember. UNB seemed like the perfect place for me to further my passion for science. Both of my siblings and my parents are UNB Alumni and loved their time as UNB students. My brother graduated with a BSc from UNB Saint John and further validated my decision to enroll in the faculty of science.
What has been the most rewarding or exciting part of your academic studies?
The most exciting part of my academic studies thus far was when I first arrived on campus in my second year after learning online from my home in Rothesay, NB for the entirety of the first year of my degree. It was such a rush to finally be on the campus to start my true university experience.
How do you stay involved in student life on campus?
I try to stay involved by keeping myself busy with extra-curricular activities and by attending events for UNB students. Becoming the Women’s Representative on the UNB Student Union has made me feel more involved in student life on campus and has allowed me to be a voice for student issues. You can also find me on campus practically every day at the Harriet Irving Library or the Student Union Building, often socializing with fellow students.
What do you enjoy most about being involved in student life on campus?
I love the sense of community I feel from being involved in student life on campus. It reminds me that university is not solely about academics- it is equally about the experiences you have and connections you make.
Can you share one of your fondest or most memorable moments at UNB thus far?
One of my fondest memories at UNB thus far was when I participated in the 2022 fall orientation as a Red Shirt Orientation Leader. Particularly since I did not experience my own in-person first year orientation, it was such a thrill to be involved in so many students’ first days on the UNB campus. The energy was unmatched!
How has receiving the Alumni Student Leadership Award positively impacted your UNB experience?
The Alumni Student Leadership Award has allowed me to focus more on my studies and extra-curricular involvement. It has relieved some of the financial burden involved with attending university and I am so thankful! This award has gotten me one step closer to completing my degree and becoming a member of the UNB alumni family.
What makes you Proudly UNB?
There is a constant sense of support and community among members of the UNB family. Watching students, faculty, staff, and alumni come together to bring goals to life reminds me of why I am Proudly UNB. The UNB Menstrual Society Accessibility Project would not have been possible without the support of so many amazing people from across the university. I am so proud of my choice to attend UNB.
What are your future plans once you’ve completed your undergraduate degree?
Following my undergraduate degree, I hope to pursue a career in healthcare, with the end goal of becoming a medical doctor in either pediatrics or neurology. I aspire to work closely with others and continue to expand my passion for health.
How do you hope to stay connected to UNB in the future as an alum?
I plan to stay up to date with the ongoings of UNB and continue my involvement long after I become a UNB alum. It is a goal of mine to contribute to UNB students just as alumni have done for me.
Watch Kate's UNB Alumni takeover on Instagram.
Learn more about the Alumni Student Leadership Award.