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BoostNB student spotlight: Meet the students measuring New Brunswick’s economic progress

Author: Leen, Minh Dao and Kiet Phan

Posted on Jan 15, 2024

Category: DataNB

Leen, Minh Dao and Kiet Phan

BoostNB has been a research stream in the Pathways to Professions experiential learning program since 2020, and in 2023 we welcomed three new students to continue the work of analyzing and sharing New Brunswick’s economic progress.

The mission of BoostNB is to help boost knowledge of the NB economy and measure its progress towards specific goals and targets inspired by Nova Scotia’s Now or Never Action Plan. Student researchers crafted economic indicators for NB using open-source data from Statistics Canada, with 21 economic goals described on their online dashboard.

The project's primary objectives are twofold. First, BoostNB offers post-secondary students in NB an opportunity to follow their passion for economics and drive positive change by providing pertinent information about the NB economy in a simple and accessible manner. Second, the program seeks to empower stakeholders and decision-makers by equipping them with accurate and user-friendly reports that help them observe and interpret the progress of the NB economy.

BoostNB's research findings revolve around key economic indicators, such as GDP growth, trade, labour force participation, post-secondary enrolments, industry and more. The study also explores non-economic factors like life satisfaction and carbon emissions, shedding light on intricate interdependencies shaping the provincial economy. By providing objective research and easily digestible data, BoostNB facilitates informed decision-making, fosters economic awareness and contributes to a broader understanding of the regional economy's performance. This initiative aims to promote economic growth and development while nurturing skilled and engaged student researchers who can contribute to their community's progress.

Learn more about BoostNB through the students’ infographic or by visiting the BoostNB website.


Meet the 2023 BoostNB Student Team

Leen is a motivated and dedicated student in her fourth year of a bachelor of arts in economics. Post-graduation, Leen aspires to pursue a master of arts in economics. With a passion for understanding economic systems and their societal impact, she envisions a future in data-driven policy making. In her spare time, Leen loves to read, powerlift, and play the guitar.

Minh Dao graduated from UNB Saint John in 2023 with a bachelor of business administration. His interest lies in data visualization, and he aspires to pursue a career in this field. Outside academics, Minh's curious mind leads him to explore new places whenever the opportunity arises, whether visiting bustling cities or camping in the wild. He eagerly seeks out new destinations.

Kiet Phan is a fourth-year student pursuing an honors degree in economics and a minor in mathematics at UNB. Since his freshman year, he has been fascinated by the work of economists, including studying complex questions about human behaviours in the economy in an axiomatic and rigorous manner. After graduation, Kiet’s goal is to become a research economist – either in academia or in industry. In his free time, Kiet enjoys reading, studying new languages, and walking. 

What is Pathways to Professions? 

Each summer, NB-IRDT hosts student research teams as part of its Pathways to Professions (P2P) experiential learning program. For 13 weeks, these students work on projects relevant to New Brunswick while attending a full curriculum of professional skills workshops. 

In 2023, NB-IRDT embarked on its second year of partnership with the Government of New Brunswick's Future GNB / Avenir GNB program and launched a new partnership with Ignite to host students working on government and industry research projects. Now that the 2023 program has ended, we are excited to share our students’ projects and their findings.