BoostNB student spotlight: Meet the students measuring New Brunswick’s economic progress
Author: NB-IRDT Staff
Posted on Oct 4, 2022
Category: DataNB
What is BoostNB?
BoostNB is an online dashboard of economic indicators first created by student researchers back in 2018 and updated every year using open-source data to determine whether the NB economy is progressing towards specific goals and targets.
BoostNB has been a P2P research stream since the program launched in 2020. It provides post-secondary students in NB the opportunity to pursue their passion for economics and create positive change in their communities by making pertinent information about the NB economy available in a straight-forward, factual, and accessible way.
The 2022 BoostNB team spent this past summer updating measures of progress and further developing the data on existing goals, all of which are available in a new report series on the redesigned website.
As usual, the BoostNB dashboard has been updated to show the province's most recent progress toward its goals in areas of GDP growth, trade, labour force participation, post-secondary enrollments, industry, and more. Along with exploring these measures, the BoostNB team has also added new economic goals to explore.
How has our province been doing in the economic realm? You can find out on BoostNB’s website or follow the team on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Make sure you check out their infographic as well.
Meet the 2022 BoostNB Team
Sudhish Poojary - BoostNB Communications Coordinator
Sudhish Poojary recently completed his third year at the University of New Brunswick, where he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. When he graduates, Sudhish wishes to work in an environment that heavily relies on collaboration and good flow of communication, where he can understand the intricacies of research. When he is free, Sudhish likes to play and watch sports like basketball and football (not the American one!).
Caroline Pietroski - BoostNB Project Mentor
Caroline Pietroski is in her fourth year at St. Thomas University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Environment and Society. After graduating, she hopes to pursue a Masters in Economics and find a career that looks at economical ways to solve environmental and sustainability problems. Caroline is the goalie for the St. Thomas Women’s Hockey team. In her spare time, you can find her exploring, shopping locally, or hanging out with her friends.
Jakob Ashfield - BoostNB Researcher
Jakob Ashfield just finished his first year at the University of New Brunswick, where he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. When he graduates, Jakob hopes to work on large-scale software projects to improve the software’s accessibility and user-friendliness to users of all abilities. Jakob is currently taking guitar lessons and learning Spanish online and in his free time enjoys going to the gym and playing basketball with his friends.
Joseph Drost - BoostNB Researcher
Joseph Drost recently graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Joint Honours degree in Political Science and Economics. He will be pursuing a Master of Arts in Economics at the University of New Brunswick in the coming year. After finishing his education, Joseph hopes to work in public policy at the provincial or federal level. Joseph’s hobbies include reading Steinbeck novels and cheering for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Tianjiao Yang – BoostNB Researcher
Tianjiao Yang is in her fourth year at the University of New Brunswick, where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Economics. When she graduates, Tianjiao hopes to pursue a Masters and PhD in Economics and use her love of economics to show the beauty of the discipline to people and provide ideas to improve the economy. Outside of school, Tianjiao enjoys swimming, cooking, and trying different kinds of food.
What is Pathways to Professions (P2P)?
Each summer, NB-IRDT hosts student research teams as part of its Pathways to Professions (P2P) experiential learning program. For 13 weeks, these students work on projects relevant to New Brunswick while attending a full curriculum of professional skills workshops.