UNB News
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Lunch and learn: Data services at NB-IRDT

Author: Lindsey Gilbert

Posted on Oct 19, 2022

Category: DataNB

The New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training (NB-IRDT) provides secure access to a variety of New Brunswick administrative data. Our data users include graduate students, researchers, clinicians, and representatives from government and industry and more.

But where would someone start if they want to access NB-IRDT? How can data be shared with NB-IRDT? And how does one go about accessing these data?

The NB-IRDT Data Services Team will present this session to answer these questions. The Data Services Team works with researchers and data partners to facilitate all the necessary steps of the life cycle of secondary data – from research question to NB-IRDT access to dissemination of the research findings.

The goal of this session is to answer your questions regarding how students, researchers, and data partners can engage with NB-IRDT and take advantage of all we have to offer.

Topics include:

  • How to become a data partner with NB-IRDT
  • How data are shared with NB-IRDT
  • How to request access to data held by NB-IRDT
  • How data are released from NB-IRDT


Video transcription