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CCA appoints expert panel on health data sharing in Canada

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Jun 30, 2022

Category: DataNB

“Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.” - Peter Senge

The sharing of health data has positively impacted the Canadian health care system and saved countless lives. Recently, responding to a request from the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) has made the decision to form an Expert Panel to examine the impacts and opportunities for health data sharing across Canada with Chaim Bell, Physician-in-Chief at Sinai Health, serving as Chair of the Expert Panel.

Dr. Bell recently spoke with the Council of Canadian Academies about the formation of the Expert Panel and had the following to say.

“The issue of data sharing is particularly timely given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of monkeypox,” said Dr. Bell. “The consistent and transparent management of health data is critical for the detection, prevention, and treatment of these types of public health threats, so that evidence can be consistently applied in a pan-Canadian manner. An effective data system also helps to inform safety, quality, and equity improvements across the healthcare system more broadly.”

Dr. Bell and his multidisciplinary team are tasked with answering the question, “What are the opportunities for maximizing the benefits of health data sharing?”

The Expert Panel on Health Data Sharing:

  • Chaim Bell (Chair), Physician-in-Chief, Sinai Health; Professor of Medicine and Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Lisa Austin, Professor and Chair in Law and Technology, University of Toronto
  • Marni Brownell, Professor, Department of Community Health Sciences, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba; Senior Research Scientist and Associate Director, Research, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
  • Moira Kapral, Professor, Department of Medicine, Director, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Toronto; Senior Scientist, ICES, Toronto General Research Institute
  • Alika Lafontaine, Medical Director North Zone Indigenous Health, Alberta Health Services; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Alberta; Medical Director, Alignment by Design Labs
  • Ted McDonald, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of New Brunswick; Director, New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training; New Brunswick Lead Maritime, SPOR Support Unit
  • Nazeem Muhajarine, Professor, Community Health and Epidemiology, University of Saskatchewan
  • Angela Power, Health Ethics, Law in Medicine Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Senior Consultant, INQ Consulting
  • Catherine Régis, Full professor, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal
  • Beate Sander, Canada Research Chair in Economics of Infectious Diseases; Scientist, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute; Associate Professor, University of Toronto
  • Jason Sutherland, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia; Program Head, Health Services and Outcomes, Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences
  • Robyn Tamblyn, C.M., FRSC, FCAHS, Professor of Medicine, James McGill Chair and Medical Scientist, McGill University
  • Amol Verma, Clinician-Scientist, Unity Health Toronto; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

We look forward to gaining more insight to further aid the Canadian health care system and would like to thank The Expert Panel for their dedication to consistent and ethical health data sharing.

For more information visit CCA-Reports