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Labour Market Training Programs in NB: Do Participants Stay?

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Feb 28, 2022

Category: DataNB

The Government of New Brunswick invests heavily in educating and retaining its population, especially skilled members of the labour force. To accomplish this, training programs have been designed and implemented to help individuals prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment in NB.

These include programs such as

  • Career Decision Making Strategies
  • Skills Enhancement Strategies
  • Workplace Essential Skills
  • Student Employment Experience Development (SEED) and Co-op
  • And more

In a released report, researchers at NB-IRDT look at training programs offered by the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour (PETL) and examine whether program completers remain in NB. See the report for training program retention rates and to learn which groups of trained New Brunswickers are the most mobile.