UNB News
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Digging deeper into graduate retention: International and domestic students

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Sep 8, 2021

Category: DataNB

The retention of post-secondary graduates is of great importance to New Brunswick, as keeping qualified graduates in the province has the potential to boost the labour market, produce higher returns on investment in post-secondary education, and combat the shrinking and aging of the NB population.

The New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training has been exploring graduate retention for the past three years, producing reports on retention rates and labour market outcomes. In a recently released supplement to College & University Graduate Retention in New Brunswick: 2010 - 2018, our researchers dig even deeper into graduate retention, focusing specifically on classifying graduates by immigrant status across universities.

Read the supplementary report to see the results and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on future graduate retention research.