UNB News
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Pathways to Professions: Then and now

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Jun 4, 2021

Category: DataNB

April showers bring May flowers, and the launch of Pathways to Professions – 2021 is our second annual experiential learning program providing UNB students with hands-on workplace experience and training in research methods and job readiness.

From May 17 until August 13, we will be virtually hosting a new cohort of undergraduate and graduate students as they complete our curriculum of research and professionalism workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities, while working on NB-relevant research projects.

We are proud of how our program has evolved between 2020 and 2021 and want to highlight some areas of growth:

2020 2021
14 student applications 114 student applications
6 student participants 20 student participants
2 research streams 5 research streams
4 research project leads/mentors 9 research project leads/mentors
$36,000 in student funding $120,000 in student funding*

The BoostNB and PopNB research streams on economic indicators and population dynamics that debuted in 2020 are returning this year, in addition to new initiatives being introduced in 2021:

  • New research stream: VitalSignsNB | Evaluating the costs and benefits of physician- versus pharmacist-administered vaccines in NB
  • New research stream: ExperienceNB | Evaluating the impact of experiential education programs in NB
  • New research stream: ConnectNB | Developing a research project inventory to connect students with community leaders and employers in NB
  • New student position: Outreach Coordinator | Developing an outreach strategy and overseeing the creation of the 2021 Program in Review

Read the report

To learn more about Pathways to Professions, email nb-irdttraining@unb.ca.

*Student funding raised directly covers student salaries for our summer program participants – in 2021, we acknowledge the generous funding of Future NB UNB, Future NB STU, NBIF, and the NBIF New Brunswick Priority Occupation Student Support Fund, in addition to the in-kind support we receive to implement our programming from all our partners including UNB, GNB, Planet Hatch, and more.