Seawolves ‘Think Pink’: Raising awareness and funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Author: C.Bell
Posted on Jan 26, 2024
Category: Think Pink , Varsity Sports , SAAC , Basketball , Volleyball , ACAA

Seawolves varsity athletics once again raising funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation during the annual Think Pink weekend.
Since 2016, the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) has planned initiatives in support of the cause. During the fall and winter Seawolves home games, students organized several fundraising activities, including a 50/50 draw, selling baked goods, offering a date night basket, hosting a chuck-a-ball game, and an exciting in-game event.
Each initiative was carefully planned to involve the UNB Saint John campus, family and friends, raising a total of $765, which will go directly to supporting the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
The UNB Saint John Seawolves thank everyone who came out to howl with the wolves and support such an important cause.