UNB News
News and stories from one of Canada’s top universities

Statement from the President

Author: Paul Mazerolle

Posted on Aug 29, 2024

Category: UNB Saint John , UNB Fredericton

As I return to Canada after spending time overseas, I have been reflecting on the important role universities play in a global context, and the duty they have to educate, build knowledge, foster understanding and provide opportunities for dialogue. Worldwide, universities are working to drive progress and guide communities through uncertainty. From global challenges and concerns like climate change, geo-political tensions and wars to local issues surrounding housing and affordability, university environments are experiencing increased pressure and scrutiny to respond and take action.

Heading into a new academic term, it is imperative that we pause to reflect on the fundamental values that underpin our interactions and relationships at the University of New Brunswick. Civility – the grace of our conduct, the respect we afford for one another, and the consideration with which we engage – is the cornerstone of our collective success.

As we engage in discourse, debate, and even disagreement, let us do so with the understanding that each voice is valuable, and every perspective deserves to be heard with dignity. Civility is not merely about politeness; it is about fostering an environment where intellectual growth, cultural understanding and mutual respect can flourish.

I encourage each member of our community to embody the principles of civility in all aspects of university life. Whether in the classroom, the laboratory, the boardroom or the digital spaces we now frequently inhabit, let us approach each other with the kindness and decency that we all deserve. In doing so, we not only enhance our own experiences but also contribute to the legacy of UNB as a place where diversity of thought is celebrated, where academic freedom is exercised with responsibility and where every individual is treated with the utmost respect.

As we welcome the return of our students, let us move forward in a new academic year knowing that it is through our collective efforts that we create a university community that is not only productive but also compassionate and inclusive. That is the university community we must all strive to be a part of – excellent, engaged, inclusive, tolerant and respectful.