UNB News
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The University of New Brunswick and SpacesShared create new home-sharing option for students

Author: UNB Newsroom

Posted on Jul 10, 2024

Category: Press Releases

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is proudly teaming up with SpacesShared, an innovative online home-sharing platform, to help solve the growing challenge of affordable student housing.

SpacesShared uses an online platform and a team of people to match students who are looking for safe and affordable home-sharing with hosts. This service is expected to be available to UNB students in Fredericton and Saint John later this summer.

“We’re delighted to work with SpacesShared to provide innovative and affordable housing solutions to UNB students” says Dr. Kathy Wilson, UNB’s Vice-Provost of Learning and Student Experience. “Through this thoughtful and verified matching process, we can ensure our students have access to safe, welcoming and supportive living, while also fostering connection and growth within Fredericton and Saint John”.

“Students need safe, affordable places to live,” said Rylan Kinnon, CEO of SpacesShared. “With inflation and an increase in loneliness, adults and seniors can address these issues while also helping the next generation achieve their goals.”

Students are in safe hands with SpacesShared: as standard practice, SpacesShared verifies the identity of each host, the home address, and confirms that the host actually lives in the home. The SpacesShared team conducts a criminal background check on each host before the home-sharing agreement can be finalized.

If you have a spare bedroom, it could give you some extra income while you give back to your community. If you are a student, home-sharing can help set you up for success now and in the future.

“We know that opening your home up to a stranger can be hard – but if we’ve done our job right, your guests won’t feel like strangers for long. We created SpacesShared so you can make a connection for life, and we will help with that," said Kinnon. "If you’re interested in home-sharing, curious, or think it could be good for you, try it for a month. Try it for a semester. You might really enjoy it."

Become a host

UNB and SpacesShared invite people who are interested in becoming hosts or seeking more information to visit SpacesShared.

About the University of New Brunswick

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is Canada's oldest English-language university, and New Brunswick’s only national comprehensive university. Founded in 1785, the multi-campus institution has a rich history as well as a dynamic focus on research, innovation, experiential learning and entrepreneurship. UNB welcomes more than 10,000 students from 100 countries to its campuses. With over 100 programs in 14 faculties, UNB helps students acquire the abilities needed to make an impact in their communities.

About SpacesShared

SpacesShared is a home-sharing technology platform that empowers two key groups to meet each other: Canadians with spare bedrooms, and students. Launched in 2023, SpacesShared is responding to the Canadian housing crisis with a solution that prioritizes connection, comfort, and community. It’s a new way to honour an old tradition: opening homes to people and experiences that enrich lives and communities. For more information about home-sharing through SpacesShared, or to register for a free account as a host or a student, visit SpacesShared.

Media contacts

Kathleen McLaughlin, Media Relations Strategist at talktous@unb.ca
Sam Jemison, Partnerships Manager, SpacesShared at Sam@spacesshared.ca