UNB News
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UNB celebrates award-winning students at spring graduation ceremonies

Author: Hilary Creamer Robinson

Posted on May 14, 2024

Category: UNB Fredericton , UNB Saint John

From May 15 to 17, the University of New Brunswick (UNB) celebrates its spring 2024 graduates.

In total, 1,757 UNB graduates will receive degrees. 1,296 students will receive bachelor’s degrees, 436 students will receive master’s degrees, and 25 students will achieve the highest level of academic achievement, the PhD.

The Governor General’s Silver Medal is the most prestigious award given to students graduating from a Canadian educational institution. This year it will go to Abdullah Al Sheikh Zein, who will graduate with a bachelor of health in biomedical sciences and health.

The Douglas Gold Medal recipient is Sage Walker, who will graduate with a bachelor of arts in political science. This award was founded by the late Sir Howard Douglas, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick and first Chancellor of King's College in 1833. Recipients of this medal are awarded for having the best prose or verse in the Greek, Latin or English languages, on any subject within the regular course of study pursued in the university.

Thirteen students will receive Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick Silver Medals at the Encaenia and Spring Convocation ceremonies.

“Congratulations to the recipients of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick Silver Medal Award, who are being recognized for their remarkable achievements,” said the Honourable Brenda Murphy, ONB, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.

“Throughout your studies at the University of New Brunswick, you have acquired the skills needed to solve current and future societal challenges. As role models, you can be changemakers – I encourage you to continue working towards the creation of more inclusive, equitable and vibrant communities.”

The Lieutenant Governor Silver Medal recipients from UNB’s Fredericton campus include:

  • Agnieszka McCartney, Bachelor of Nursing
  • Antoine Gautreau, Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bailey Desjardins, Bachelor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Leadership
  • Bilal Husain, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
  • Gabriel Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Environment and Natural Resources in Wildlife Conservation
  • Kaleigh Robertson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
  • Maggie Washington, Juris Doctor
  • Naomi Levins, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  • Patrick Doyle, Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Economics
  • Vardaan Malhotra, Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Electrical Engineering

The recipients from UNB’s Saint John campus are:

  • Claire Silberman, Bachelor of Arts in Communications
  • Lauren Martin, Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics
  • Madison Worth, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology

City of Saint John Award:

  • Madison Worth, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology

On behalf of the UNB community, heartfelt congratulations and well wishes to all spring 2024 graduates!

UNB Fredericton will celebrate its 195th Encaenia on May 15 and 16 with four ceremonies at The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER. UNB Saint John will celebrate its 49th Spring Convocation on May 17 at the G. Forbes Elliot Athletics Centre.