UNB News
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UNB and Royal University of Bhutan extend collaboration with five-year renewal agreement

Author: UNB Newsroom

Posted on Jan 29, 2024

Category: Press Releases

Dr. Paul Mazerolle, president and vice-chancellor of the University of New Brunswick (UNB), and Dr. Nidup Dorji, vice-chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan, have signed a five-year renewal of their exchange and collaboration agreement. The two universities have maintained a partnership for 21 years, dating back to the Royal University of Bhutan’s inception.

The renewed agreement will explore ways to enhance collaboration through faculty exchange, pathway development and the creation of new programs to meet future needs. It reinforces the commitment of both institutions to international academic cooperation and provides a foundation for future collaborative initiatives.

Following the signing ceremony, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck (LLD'05) requested an audience with the UNB delegation. During the meeting, the King reflected on his past visit to UNB and discussed potential collaboration on the Mindfulness City project currently under development.

UNB then hosted an alumni reception where Dr. Mazerolle announced the doubling of international differential scholarships for Bhutanese students. This will come into effect in 2025 when the MOU with the Bhutanese Ministry of Education is renewed.

Currently hosting 52 Bhutanese students, UNB is proud to have the largest university cohort from Bhutan in Canada. The increased scholarship initiative aims to further support Bhutanese students' academic pursuits at UNB.a.

Media contact: Kathleen McLaughlin, Media Relations Strategist talktous@unb.ca.

Photo caption (left to right): Dr. Carol Nemeroff, Dr. John Kershaw, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, Dr. Paul Mazerolle, Dr. Michel Rod and Dominic Blakely.