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NB-IRDT and Under One Sky to research impact of Aboriginal Head Start program

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Sep 27, 2023

Category: DataNB

One of over 100 non-profit Friendship Centres in Canada, Under One Sky Friendship Centre supports Indigenous children aged 2-5 years (and their families) in the Fredericton area. Through their Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC) program, the children complete activities that encourage social, emotional, physical and spiritual growth to better prepare them to enter public school systems, and for the broader benefit of their siblings and families. Under One Sky’s vision is to revitalize, celebrate and embrace all Indigenous peoples and cultures in the spirit of trust, respect and friendship. 

In collaboration, Under One Sky, NB-IRDT and Dr. Jason Hickey, UNB Indigenous Research Chair in Nursing, will investigate the medium- and long-term benefits of the AHSUNC program for children and their families. This work will provide valuable information to support program delivery and potential expansion. With Under One Sky’s partnership, we look forward to bringing to light the value of AHSUNC programs as they prepare to serve the needs of future generations.