Call for first-time families to inform NB-IRDT's expanding research on healthy families, healthy babies
Author: NB-IRDT Staff
Posted on Jul 31, 2023
Category: DataNB
Are you a first-time parent whose baby was born in New Brunswick within the last 18 months? If so, our researchers want to learn from your experiences.
We are looking for 2-4 New Brunswick parents to join us for 2 virtual meetings (1 hour each, with compensation provided), during which you will have the opportunity to share your valuable insights and lived experience to help our research inform the delivery of support services for young families in the province.
This opportunity is made available through the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU), which was created to connect researchers and individuals with lived experience and support them through the patient engagement journey.
To participate, apply online before August 4, 2023.
About the Project
In New Brunswick, the Healthy Families, Healthy Babies public health program supports first-time families through their early years, providing home visits and other resources to families that can benefit from them the most. At NB-IRDT, our researchers have been working hard to gain insight into how receiving these services affects participating families’ health and childhood development.
A recently released report details our findings on participants who received home visit supports after the birth of their child (postnatal) – however, the Healthy Families, Healthy Babies program also offers supports to families during pregnancy (prenatal).
With generous funding support from the NB Wellness Research Fund provided by ResearchNB and Public Health New Brunswick, our research team is expanding this project to study the impacts of enrolling in the Healthy Families, Healthy Babies program earlier – before birth – and receiving prenatal supports. Examining the outcomes of both postnatal and prenatal participants will help us better understand which services have the most positive impact on families’ health and development and whether introducing those services at different stages leads to different outcomes.
By involving partners with lived experience as new parents, we aim to use New Brunswickers’ lived experience to help guide the direction of this research and keep parents’ practical needs at the centre of our work.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please email MSSU.