UNB News
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Where are NBCC graduates going?

Author: NB-IRDT Staff

Posted on Apr 28, 2023

Category: DataNB

Here in New Brunswick, we often hear about young workers eager to move away to other provinces for economic benefit. However, we don’t often hear about where young people who choose to stay in NB end up after graduation and what factors influence their decision. A recent report by NB-IRDT researchers, Retention and Mobility of NBCC Graduates, takes an in-depth look at New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) graduates and where they end up.

Recent reports by NB-IRDT show that the phenomenon of young people leaving is not as prevalent as perceived. For example, 97% of NBCC graduates originally from NB are still living in the province one year after graduation. This report’s findings suggest that the majority of NBCC students attend a campus close to their home – they don’t move far across the province for school. However, for graduates who attended a local campus and for those who moved to attend a non-local campus, one trend remains clear: Most of them end up living in the same location where they lived before college, at least in the short term.

NBCC graduates are an important group to study because of their contributions to the NB economy. According to a 2021 report by NBCC and Stiletto, the 2019/20 NBCC graduating class entering the workforce equated to the creation of 4079 full-time equivalent jobs and $200 million in wages. Understanding the factors influencing where graduates settle provides vital insight into the needs and expectations of New Brunswick's future workforce.