Mathematics and Statistics

Quality assurance review

Author: UNB

Posted on Mar 30, 2014

Category: News and Events

From the UNB newsroom:

A quality assurance review for the department of Mathematics and Statistics is now engaged in the external consultation phase of its programs and operations. Input from the faculty members, staff, and students is an important part of the assessment of the unit’s administration, scholarly and educational programs.

External consultants will visit campus on March 31-April 1, 2014 when they will meet with members of the university community, including students, to seek their perspective on the operations of the department. An Open Session is scheduled for Monday, March 31 at 4:00 p.m. in Tilley Hall, Room 404 for all members of the university community to meet the reviewers and discuss any issues you have relating to the department. The external reviewers are:

• Yogen Chaubey from Concordia
• Jacques Hurtubise from McGill

Those wishing to make submissions for the consideration of the external reviewers are encouraged to write directly to: “External Reviewers – Department of Math/Statistics, c/o The Office of the Vice President Academic/(Fredericton)” before April 1, 2014. These submissions will be reviewed only by the external consultants and held in strict confidence.