Law Library Closure
Author: UNB Law Library
Posted on Mar 17, 2020
Category: Law Library News
Due to the threat of COVID-19, the Law Library will be closed starting Tuesday, March 17 at noon until further notice.
In the meantime, our electronic resources will continue to be available, and you can contact Nikki Tanner via email for research help.
Interlibrary loan services will be limited to electronic items such as journal articles, and note that your request may not be filled due to availability. For more information, contact interlibrary loans.
If you currently have books out that are overdue or will become overdue, don't worry. You will not be charged any fines. Simply return the books once we reopen. For more information, contact Heather Doherty, senior library assistant.
If you have any other questions, contact Catherine Cotter, head law librarian.
Stay safe, and we'll see you soon.