Impact of Giving

A gift that nurtures and grows

Author: Development and Donor Relations

Posted on Sep 10, 2024

Category: News and Events ,

Their time at UNB was foundational for Elaine and Ken Carty, and they feel strongly about the importance of giving back, now and into the future.

Both leaders in their respective fields, the Cartys have gone far from their early days together on UNB’s Fredericton campus. Ken (BScF’66, DLitt’22), a New Brunswick Rhodes Scholar, is internationally renowned and consulted for his expertise in political parties and electoral systems. Elaine (BN’66, DLitt’22) was appointed to the Order of Canada, and inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, in recognition of her work increasing the safety and effectiveness of women’s health care and her leadership in making midwifery an integral part of Canada’s health-care system.

“UNB is foundational for individual lives, but it’s also foundational for the province,” said Ken. “It’s the ‘Mother Tree’ of the province, and so it has to be supported and strengthened. It’s the most important institution in New Brunswick. I think those of us who’ve had the privilege of being nurtured by it have an obligation to return that gift.”

Elaine (née McEwan) credits her early years in UNB’s nursing program with influencing her later work. “I have strong memories of the nursing faculty being innovators and quite radical, which I think rubbed off on me because all through my career, I’ve been working to change things,” she said.

Asked what they would say to others who are considering including UNB in their estate planning, the Cartys reflected on what they’ve told their children. “It’s important that our children know that giving back is important; we want them to know that you have to think back over your life and give back to the people who gave to you,” said Elaine.

“We strongly believe that’s a powerful signal to our children,” agreed Ken. “You want to think back about those kinds of institutions and experiences that made turning-point impacts on you. Whether it’s building snow sculptures as a community at Winter Carnival in the residences, or intramural sports, or the student council – all those kinds of things are fundamental in giving you a sense of who you are, and what you can be.”

The Cartys, partnering with Ken’s brother Bill (BA’73) and niece Lisa (BA’03), have established the Carty Family Bursary for students in financial need. The couple has chosen to include UNB in their estate planning through a bequest, ensuring that students will continue to benefit for years to come.

Find out more about making an estate gift at UNB.