Mathematics and Statistics

MSc Oral Exam Dynamics of A Pathogen-immune Interaction Model

Author: UNB

Posted on Nov 19, 2013

Category: Seminars and Colloquia

Masters of Science Oral Examination
Dynamics of a Pathogen-immune Interaction Model

Nora Alshobrami (UNB)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 2:30 pm
Carleton Room 255

A new mathematical model is proposed to describe the interaction between the virus and the immune cells. For this new model, we study the existence of non-negative equilibrium, the bifurcation, the stability of equilibrium. We also carry out numerical simulations to illustrate all possible dynamics. In addition, we numerically explore drug therapy treatment strategies to find the right regimes for the strengths of a therapy, the duration of the treatment so that sustained immunity can be established.

Nora Alshobrami is a graduate student of the Mathematics/Statistics GAU
This talk is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree