The Class of 1967 has been hard at work preparing for its milestone 50th reunion, with one of the largest reunion classes coming back to reminisce and reconnect in Fredericton for UNB’s Homecoming celebrations during Canada’s 150th year.
Homecoming 2017, running from Thursday, Sept. 28, to Sunday, Oct. 1, includes a variety of celebrations for all alumni and friends, including the Homecoming football game, a lobster boil and dance, the Family FunFest and a Saturday evening tasting event.
The graduates of 1967 are set to experience a full schedule of events in their honour, including a Golden Grad Breakfast, hosted by UNB President Eddy Campbell, and a get-together luncheon at Government House.
But the fun isn’t just for UNB’s passionate alum – the public is invited to attend weekend events too.
On Friday at 10:30 a.m. is the
UNB Research Showcase in Memorial Hall. The showcase gives the audience a sample of some of the innovative work being accomplished by UNB researchers.
The keynote presentation will be given by UNB’s Vaughan Chair in Regional Economics, Dr. Herb Emery. The prominent public policy analyst who arrived in New Brunswick from Alberta a year ago will offer a "come from awayer’s thoughts on the Maritime economy and the opportunities for growth.” Following Dr. Emery’s talk will be 11 mini-presentations from an array of researchers on topics from health and exercise to history and law.
Also on Friday, starting at 3 p.m., is an open house with the faculty of law, which this year is celebrating its 125th anniversary. The event will include a tour and a wine and cheese social.
On Saturday at 9 a.m., the UNB Alumni Office and Escape Logic Games are offering two unique interactive puzzle hunt challenges,
The Quest 2017. This Amazing Race-style contest is designed to be a challenging event for adventurous teams wishing to navigate twists and turns.
Wrapping up Saturday’s events at 8 p.m. is The Tasting in the Student Union Building Atrium. Join in on sampling an assortment of New Brunswick wines, craft beers and local ciders paired with some tasty appetizers – including a make-your-own poutine station.
“Our Homecoming theme, Celebrate UNB, highlights our school spirit and encourages the campus and alumni communities to embrace their pride in the University of New Brunswick,” says Margaret Grant-McGivney, executive director of UNB's Associated Alumni. “We’re buzzing with excitement as we get set to welcome our alumni and friends back to campus to reconnect, renew bonds and celebrate the impact that UNB has had on their lives.”
For a schedule of events and more information, see
unb.ca/homecoming, email
homecoming@unb.ca or phone 506-447-3218.
Media contact: Jeremy Nason