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Faculty of Business receives award

Author: Communications

Posted on Apr 18, 2016

Category: UNB Saint John

Drs. Rob Moir, Associate Dean (Research and Special Projects) and Shelley Rinehart, MBA Director, receive the Outstanding Community Partnership Award plaque.
Drs. Rob Moir, Associate Dean (Research and Special Projects) and Shelley Rinehart, MBA Director, receive the Outstanding Community Partnership Award plaque.
The Faculty of Business at UNB Saint John has received the Outstanding Community Partnership Award from the Saint John Multicultural & Newcomers Resource Centre (SJMNRC) at their 7th annual Volunteer Appreciation event held on Friday, April 15, 2016.

The award is a result of the Faculty of Business partnering with the SJMNRC on initiatives over the course of the last year, including:

  • A strategic plan framework through an MBA internship; and
  • A marketing plan project developed by Emin Civi’s class. Dr. Civi is the recipient of numerous teaching honors and was instrumental in the faculty receiving this award.