Renaissance College students to share results of social impact activities
Author: Communications
Posted on Mar 18, 2016
Category: UNB Fredericton

“The Community Problem Solving and Research Project course takes our students out of the classroom so they can develop leadership and complex problem solving skills through community partnership experiences,” says Dr. Roxanne Reeves, academic chair for the symposium. “I am confident that we will all be inspired by the results of these meaningful engagements.”
Students have worked with community-based organizations, Crown corporations, government departments, philanthropic organizations, non-governmental organizations and grassroots groups.
At the student-led Symposium on Social Impact, student groups will report on their projects and focus on three themes:
- Experiential Learning
- Community Engagement
- Complex Problem Solving
“These projects are the culmination of our years of study at Renaissance College; an opportunity to put our skills to work on projects with both local and provincial significance,” says Chantal Mourant, the symposium’s student chair. “Not only have we had the opportunity to undertake meaningful work through these partnerships, we’ve also gained valuable experiences that will serve us well long after we’ve left Renaissance College.”
Community partners are equally impressed with the experience of working with these dynamic young leaders. “Having been involved with this class as a community partner with several organizations, I have always been struck with the value the Renaissance College students bring to us in terms of reciprocal benefit,” says Sue Rickards from Sunrise Partnership for Agriculture Development and Education (SPADE). “While we are mentors to them, we are also acquiring new information and perspectives from them to which we would not have access by any other means. It's definitely a two-way street when it comes to learning.”
The symposium begins at 2:30 p.m. on March 22 at Marshall d’Avray Hall room 143, 10 MacKay Drive, UNB’s Fredericton campus.
Media Contacts
- Dr. Roxanne Reeves, Academic Chair: (506) 471-7734 |
- Chantal Mourant, Student Chair: (506) 524-2890 |
Agenda: Symposium on Social Impact
2:30 – 5:30 p.m. | Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Marshall d’Avray Hall room 143 | University of New Brunswick Fredericton campus
- 2:30: Reception
- 2:45: Opening Remarks: Dr. Eddy Campbell, President UNB; Introduction by Emcee
- 2:55: Keynote
- 3:20: Business Immigrant Mentorship Program/The HIVE
- 3:35: Child and Youth Advocate Office, Province of New Brunswick
- 3:50: Sunrise Partnership for Agriculture Development and Education (SPADE)
- 4:05: The Ville Corporative
- Break: 4:15-4:30
- 4:30: Department of Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour (PETL)
- 4:45: Public Health Dietitians, Department of Health
- 5:00: New Brunswick Agricultural Alliance
- 5:15: Closing Remarks
While the symposium runs until 5:30 p.m., we appreciate your busy schedules and invite you to take your leave at your convenience.