UNB s Writer-in-Residence Naomi K Lewis and author Mark Anthony Jarman to read as part of UNB Saint John s Lorenzo Reading Series
Author: Communications
Posted on Jan 14, 2016
Category: UNB Saint John

This year’s UNB Writer-in-Residence, Naomi K. Lewis lives in Calgary where she writes, edits and teaches. She co-edited the popular 2013 collection of essays, entitled Shy: An Anthology, and co-wrote Spencer Beach’s bestselling 2010 memoir, In Case of Fire. Her novel, Cricket in a Fist, was published in 2008, and she won first prize in The Fiddlehead’s 2007 fiction contest. She was winner of the 2012 Colophon Prize and a finalist for the 2013 Georges Bugnet Award for Fiction.
Mark Anthony Jarman is the author of five works of fiction and a travel memoir on Ireland. He has won a National Magazine Award in nonfiction, two Maclean-Hunter Endowment Awards, and the Jack Hodgins Fiction Prize. He is also a professor in the English department on UNB's Fredericton campus.
The reading is hosted by the Lorenzo Reading Series and supported by the Canada Council for the Arts. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.
For more information contact Alison Hughes at (506) 654-3753 or email aehughes@unb.ca.