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Madison Long receives SRC Leadership Award

Author: Communications

Posted on Jan 15, 2016

Category: UNB Saint John

Mary Duffley, Alumni program manager, Madison Long, Patrick Beamish, Alumnus and former SRC president
Mary Duffley, Alumni program manager, Madison Long, Patrick Beamish, Alumnus and former SRC president
Madison Long is a well-known name around the UNB Saint John campus.

Not only for her superior performance on the pitch, but for the academics, extra-curricular involvement, and volunteer work. The 4th year women’s soccer star, currently in her 4th year of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education program was awarded with the UNB Saint John Students’ Representative Council (SRC) Leadership Award.

The SRC Leadership Award is awarded annually on the recommendation of the UNB Saint John SRC Student Leadership Committee to a Saint John student who has made an outstanding contribution to student life and has demonstrated strong leadership skills in university activities.

The recipient must be in good academic standing, have completed a minimum of two years (60 ch) of his, or her, undergraduate degree on the campus and plans to return to UNB Saint John either full, or part-time.

The award is funded by Alumni, friends, UNB Saint John SRC and proceeds from UNB Saint John SRC reunion events.