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A family of UNB Saint John alumni

Author: Communications

Posted on Oct 24, 2014

Category: UNB Saint John

Family ties

Colin, Evan, Ernie and Ian
Colin, Evan, Ernie and Ian

As UNB Saint John celebrates its 50th anniversary and 32nd fall convocation, the Doucet family feels honoured to be part of an incredible history and community in Saint John.

From the classroom to the soccer field, the Doucets have left their mark on campus and are proud to call themselves a family of UNB Saint John alumni.

Paving the way to success

Ernie Doucet (MEd ’94) and his wife Mary Margaret (MEd ’93) both graduated from UNB Saint John in the 90s with a Masters in Education. While busy completing their second degrees, they also juggled work and a family and credit much of their success to UNB Saint John.

 “It certainly is an accomplishment to get our degrees while raising our family,” says Mary Margaret. “We had everything we ever needed and more at UNB Saint John.”

Ernie and Mary Margaret were not the only Doucets to find fulfillment at UNB Saint John. Although the four Doucet children were encouraged to choose universities on their own, Ernie and Mary Margaret were thrilled to add more alumni to the family.

“We had a great time during our degrees, but one of our favourite memories from SJ’ was never missing one of our children’s soccer and hockey games,” says Ernie.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

In addition to tackling their studies, their children Meaghan (BSc ’00, BA ’01,) Evan (BSc ’05, MBA ’14), Colin (BBA ’07) and Ian (BBA ’07) were thoroughly involved in athletics and student activities during their time on campus.

Meaghan first graduated from UNB Saint John in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science and completed the Bachelor of Arts in sports and exercise psychology the following year. During her time on campus, Meaghan also played for the women’s soccer team and hockey team, was vice president external for student council and was named Academic Athlete of the Year on more than one occasion. 

Today, Meaghan credits the success of her Ontario business, Employee Wellness Solutions Network (EWSNetwork) to her university education.

“I attribute much of my current successes to the foundation, support, athletics, amazing teaching staff and great friends at UNB Saint John,” says Meaghan.

Siblings bond over campus experience

Although Meaghan was the first sibling to attend UNB Saint John, her younger brothers soon followed suit.

Ian, Evan, Ernie, Mary Margaret and Meaghan
Ian, Evan, Ernie, Mary Margaret and Meaghan

During their undergraduate degrees, Colin, Evan and Ian all played for the Seawolves men’s soccer team, represented the campus at the soccer national championships for two consecutive years and volunteered for various campus activities including Howl with the Wolves Athletic Program and Shinerama. The brothers feel grateful to have parents and siblings who were not only strong supporters of each other, but also of the university.

“Playing soccer with my brothers and studying with my family was an incredible experience,” says Colin. “I always knew I could go to my parents for help with my studies.”

32nd fall convocation

The Doucets’ presence on the Tucker Park campus will continue as Evan graduates for a second time with a Masters in Business at UNBSJ’s 32nd Fall Convocation this week.

Evan feels grateful to have had the opportunity to study while raising a family alongside his wife Dr. Shelley Doucet (BN’05, PhD’10).

Dr. Doucet was recently named the new Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care and is a two-time alumna and assistant professor of the faculty of science, applied science and engineering on the Saint John campus.

 “One of my greatest accomplishments is completing my second degree at UNB Saint John,” says Evan. “I’m so happy to have spent my university days with my brothers, sister and wife all at the same time.”

Celebrating 50 years

UNB Saint John 50th anniversary celebrates its founders, faculty, staff, students and alumni who have enhanced the university community and helped contribute to the well-being of the province.  As proud alumni, the Doucets share a special tie to the Tucker Park campus and carry the legacy of UNB Saint John. 

“The 50th anniversary is a time for my family to reflect on how important this campus is to us,” says Ian. “We all share our own experience of UNB Saint John, but best of all we are able to share each others.”

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