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UNB Homecoming Open to Community

Author: Communications

Posted on Sep 23, 2014

Category: UNB Fredericton

UNB's 2013 Homecoming
UNB's 2013 Homecoming
Open to everyone in the community; not just University of New Brunswick alumni, Homecoming 2014 is taking place this week (Sept. 25-28).  To check out a list of events, visit www.unb.ca/homecoming (#UNBhomecoming)

Here are some of the highlights:

UNBelievable Research at UNB

Friday, Sept. 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m. In the Wu Conference Centre (free, but registration required)

This is a crash course with UNB’s top experts.  A first-time event at homecoming, this event will help showcase some of UNB’s top research initiatives and demonstrate why UNB was recently named Canada’s Most Entrepreneurial University by Startup Canada. 


Saturday, Sept. 27, 7-9 p.m. In the UNB SUB

This event is appealing to a large group of alumni, including young alum. This year will focus on New Brunswick made products - wine, beer, cider and meade. Tickets are only $35. 

Red bombers Football Game

Saturday, Sept. 27, 1 p.m.

During the game, seven former players are being recognized as All Canadians. Four of the seven are still living and will attend the ceremony during the game at the BMO field. 

Family FunFest

 Saturday, Sept. 27, 10-12 a.m. (FREE)

Scottie and the Stars will perform. A number of booths will be set up: face painting, tye-dying, bean bag toss... and even a bouncy castle! Special guests include some of UNB's best varsity athletes. Everyone is welcome.

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