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UNB Saint John s Primrose Scholarship awarded to four high school students

Author: Communications

Posted on Jun 23, 2014

Category: UNB Fredericton , UNB Saint John

For the first time, the UNB Saint John Primrose Scholarship will be awarded to four, equally-deserving individuals: Taylor Doucette, Kersti Lee, AnDrew Robart, and Joshua Shanks. The $5,000 scholarship has typically been awarded to one individual.

From left to right: Sandra Irving, Joshua Shanks, Taylor Doucette, Andrew Robart, Kersti Lee, Dr. John Johnson
From left to right: Sandra Irving, Joshua Shanks, Taylor Doucette, Andrew Robart, Kersti Lee, Dr. John Johnson

Taylor Doucette’s athletic involvement in softball, volleyball, hockey and football is as impressive as her academic standing. The Harbour View High School graduate plans to continue to seek excellence in her studies, athletic leadership and community involvement through university and beyond. This is clearly evident in the time she has given to her academic endeavours and other activities, which include volunteering for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and RBC’s Learn to Play project.

Kersti Lee’s belief in the power of education will be a great benefit to her as she pursues her studies at UNB Saint John. The Kennebecasis Valley High School student is an avid volunteer with the Outflow Ministries Soup Kitchen, a children’s program helper and a soup kitchen volunteer.  An accomplished pianist, Kersti’s ability to combine academic studies with extracurricular activities has provided her with a well-rounded educational experience.

Rothesay High School graduating student AnDrew Robart feels he has gained invaluable insight through his community work. As Captain of the Engineering Club, a Children’s Ward Fundraiser volunteer, basketball player for Team New Brunswick at the Canada Games and working part-time, Robart has been able to successfully balance his academics and extracurricular activities.

“Education allows for an individual to achieve his or her own full potential,” said Joshua Shanks. The Saint John High School graduating student spends his free time volunteering for school events and musicals, as an official at the North American, Central American and Caribbean World Masters Athletics Championships as well as with the annual Hershey’s Track and Field Games. A national level track champion, graduate class treasurer, Duke of Edinburgh participant and enthusiastic volunteer, Joshua is the precise embodiment of his statement. 

The Primrose Scholarship was created in 2000 by UNB Saint John alumna Sandra Irving (BA ’95) to recognize academic achievement, community involvement and athletic leadership to a new first year student entering UNB Saint John.

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