Craig Kielburger talks to educators about creating compassionate kids
Author: Communications
Posted on Aug 21, 2013
Category: UNB Saint John

Kielburger co-founded Free The Children in 1995 at only 12 years of age. Today, he remains a passionate full-time volunteer for the organization, now an international charity and renowned educational partner that empowers youth to achieve their fullest potential as agents of change.
Free The Children delivers innovative programming to more than 4,000 youth groups and hundreds of thousands of young people in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. As the world’s largest network of children helping children through education, the organization has worked in over 40 countries and built more than 650 schools and school rooms in developing regions, providing education to more than 55,000 children every day.
The faculty of education, New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (Anglophone West branches) and the Anglophone West School District are pleased to partner together to bring 2,000 school-based and district-based teachers and administrators together for this presentation.
For more information, contact the faculty of education in Fredericton at 506-453-4862.