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UNB student wins national scholarship for volunteerism

Author: Communications

Posted on Jul 24, 2013

Category: UNB Fredericton

Natasha Larivee, co-president of Best Buddies-UNB Fredericton (centre) with her Best Buddies, Robbie (left) and Corey (right)
Natasha Larivee, co-president of Best Buddies-UNB Fredericton (centre) with her Best Buddies, Robbie (left) and Corey (right)
Natasha Larivee has won the 2013 James Raymond Cowling University Scholarship from Best Buddies Canada - a national volunteer program that matches people with and without intellectual disabilities to create friendships.

Natasha joined Best Buddies - UNB Fredericton in the first year of her bachelor of science (medicinal chemistry) program. She is now co-president of the UNB Fredericton chapter.  

"After my first year in the program, I was able to convince more than five of my friends to join Best Buddies," Natasha says. "The love for the program was contagious."

Congratulations, Natasha!

Connect with Best Buddies - UNB Fredericton on Facebook

To arrange a media interview, please contact Kelsey Seymour

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