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UNB alumnae help students prepare for job interviews

Author: Communications

Posted on Jan 31, 2013

Category: UNB Fredericton

Cathlia Ward, 1st Year Renaissance College student (left) takes part in a mock interview with UNB Alumnae, Maia Deveau (right/front) and Carol Loughrey (right/back).
Cathlia Ward, 1st Year Renaissance College student (left) takes part in a mock interview with UNB Alumnae, Maia Deveau (right/front) and Carol Loughrey (right/back).
Students from UNB's Renaissance College have a little more experience and confidence after spending an evening doing mock interviews with approximately 25 UNB alumnae this week.

Students will use this practice immediately as they seek positions for their Canadian Internships. Organizers hope it will have lasting value to them as they develop their social interaction and communication abilities.

Karen Taylor, president of the UNB Associated Alumnae Council, says the event was a great way for our alumnae to share their expertise and support students in their experiential learning.

"This is the second collaborative event between the Associated Alumnae and Renaissance College."

At the first event, students shared ideas for how alumnae could help students, which is where the idea for this event came from.

"It is also an opportunity for us to explain the role of the Associated Alumnae and encourage participation when students graduate," said Taylor.

To ensure students left with new skills and feedback, the mock interviews were conducted in a three-step process.  First the mock interviews were conducted, then students were given time to self-reflect and answer questions about how they thought they did.  Finally, feedback was given to the students from the interviewers.

Nadya Ladouceur,  Renaissance College’s experiential education coordinator, expressed how valuable these experiences are for current students about to embark in job searches.

"The UNB Associated Alumnae have inspired our students by generously sharing their knowledge and experiences, and we are eager for them to keep doing so."

Cathlia Ward, a Renaissance College student, said the mock interview process was another great experience she’s encountered during her first year at the college.

"Honestly it was just another day at Renaissance College," said Ward. "Everything we do here is completely relevant and applicable to the work force and the mock interviews were a direct example of that. Couldn't ask for a better program."

Renaissance College takes the best aspects of a great tradition and combines them with new and exciting methods of education. Being the first in the country to offer a leadership studies bachelor program, Renaissance College students are given the tools to become leaders in their fields and hands on experience through the internship programs.

The college is able to pull this off because of the support it receives from local volunteers, many of those UNB graduates, who volunteer their time to share their knowledge and experience with current students.

Taylor says she is pleased with the number of UNB alumnae in our community who are willing to help out, including the event organizer, Karen MacDonald.

"So much time and effort went into making this event happen. Karen did a lot of work recruiting volunteers. There were a few women who wanted to help, but were unable to attend the event, so they have made arrangements to help out in other ways such as talking to students about how to present themselves in an interview," said Taylor.

The Associated Alumni Council provided a $500 donation towards the event, which was awarded to two students as door prizes worth $250 each.

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