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Blakely Scholarships show the value of hard work and perseverance

Author: Communications

Posted on Sep 21, 2012

Category: UNB Fredericton

The late Marven L. Blakely generously donated $460,000 to create scholarships for math and physics students at UNB.
The late Marven L. Blakely generously donated $460,000 to create scholarships for math and physics students at UNB.
FREDERICTON – The establishment of the Marven L. Blakely Scholarships was announced during an event Friday at the University of New Brunswick where the three inaugural recipients of the award were presented.

The scholarships – valued at $7,500 each – will help three Fredericton campus students majoring in mathematics or physics. The selection is based on academic achievement and financial need. The awards were established through a leadership gift of $460,000 by the late Marven L. Blakely.

Although he passed away before he had the chance to see the scholarships awarded, Marven’s own journey to receiving his BA from UNB serves as a reminder about the value of hard work and determination.

Marven had a dream of earning a degree from UNB, but after graduating from Teacher’s College, beginning his career and raising a young family, it seemed a near impossibility. Undeterred, Marven attended UNB in the summer while working as a teacher during the school year. After more than 10 years of working and studying, his hard work and perseverance paid off as he graduated with an Arts degree in 1958.

Those same qualities served him well in his career as he went on to find success as both a teacher and administrator in the New Brunswick and Quebec education systems.

"Marven's work ethic and determination is inspiring and serves as a great reminder to not only students, but everyone here at UNB, of what can be accomplished with hard work and dedication," said Tony Secco, vice-president academic at UNB.

The inaugural recipients of the Marven L. Blakely Scholarships are Ryan Oulton of Sackville, NB currently in his fourth year majoring in mathematics; Jessie Brown of Oak Bay, NB also a fourth year student with a double major of earth sciences and physics and Jean-Phillipe Simard of Campbellton, a fourth year student majoring in mathematics. Ryan spoke during the event and said the financial help is greatly appreciated by all three students.

"Trying to balance classes, assignments, exams, work, a social life and the financial demands can become a bit of a juggling act. After hearing how Mr. Blakely earned his degree, I would say he was an expert juggler and knew how important financial help can be," Ryan said.

Marven's family was on hand for the event and his son Brent spoke on behalf of his father.

"The Blakely family is pleased that many students for years to come can benefit from Marven Blakely's generous donation," Brent said.

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