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UNBSJ welcomes new associate vice-president

Author: Communications

Posted on Aug 3, 2012

Category: UNB Saint John

The level of enthusiasm of the people working on the campus, and their passion for Saint John, impressed Dr. Laurelle LeVert, the new associate vice-president at the University of New Brunswick (Saint John) even before she started her new role.

In her new role, LeVert is responsible for student services, domestic recruiting as well as overseeing and supporting internationalization, student retention and promoting the health agenda. Photo Credit: Courtney Boudreau/The Baron
In her new role, LeVert is responsible for student services, domestic recruiting as well as overseeing and supporting internationalization, student retention and promoting the health agenda. Photo Credit: Courtney Boudreau/The Baron

“The people I have met so far are absolutely great,” says LeVert.  “They really clinched the deal for me.”

Wide variety of disciplines 

After her time at the University of Toronto, then as registrar and director of student services at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design since 2007, returning to a multi-disciplinary institution is a welcome change.

“To be so fortunate to work in a position where I will get exposure to such a wide range of disciplines - the challenges and the opportunities that this presents - is something I am really looking forward to.”

Looking for harmony 

Relocating to Saint John from Halifax isn’t that much of a change to a lady who originates from Sydney, Cape Breton. 

Being a serious choral music fan, and having sung in a choir for years in Halifax, LeVert is looking for a similar group to harmonize with here.

“My talent lies more with my enthusiasm for singing along to the music than actual skill,” she jokes.

Working holiday 

Unpacking boxes, getting settled in her new house in Uptown Saint John has been how LeVert has spent her two weeks of vacation before joining the campus community.

Listening is first step 

In her new role, LeVert is responsible for student services(including athletics), domestic recruiting as well as overseeing and supporting internationalization, student retention and promoting the health agenda for the Saint John campus.

But her first task, she says, is to listen.  “I’m surrounded by folks with immense knowledge of what they do.  I plan on hearing what they have to say.”

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