New Brunswick s forest industries examined by UNB professor
Author: Communications
Posted on Sep 28, 2011
Category: UNB Saint John
An exciting new speaker series presented by the faculty of arts at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton wraps up this week with a discussion on how the history of industrial transformation and the pulp and paper industry can inform the current discussions over the future. Bill Parenteau, a UNB history professor specializing in environmental history, Atlantic Canadian history and Canadian-American relations, will give the lecture Looking Back, Looking Ahead: History and the Future of the New Brunswick Forest Industries on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 7 p.m. It will be held in Fredericton in the J. Harper Kent Auditorium at the Wu Conference Centre at UNB. This is the fifth and final lecture in the 2011 Ideas that Matter series. “My lecture focuses on historical dynamics of the relationship between the pulp and paper industry and the province that are generally overlooked in the contemporary discourse," Dr. Parenteau said. The Ideas that Matter speaker series is designed to engage people in topics that are meaningful to New Brunswickers. It features some of UNB’s leading researchers indiscussions about issues and challenges that live at the heart of the province’s social values, cultural perceptions and political motivations. All of the Ideas that Matter lectures are free and open to the public thanks to the support of New Brunswick businesses and the UNB Associated Alumni. A complete schedule is available at Patrons for Ideas that Matter include: Atlantic Hydrogen Inc., AutismPro, BioAtlantech, BMO Bank of Montreal, Bulletproof Solutions Inc., C-Therm Technologies, FabinexHeritage Restoration, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, Fredericton International Airport Authority, Goose Lane Editions, Innovatia Inc., King Construction Ltd., Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette, LearnSphere, Mais Reynolds Financial Group, NB Power, New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, Populus Global Solutions, Remsoft, Stantec, Stewart McKelvey, Sunny Corner Enterprises Inc., The Daily Gleaner, and Valley Graphics. The series presenting sponsor is the UNB Associated Alumni. For more information, contact: Jennifer Gavin Communications officer 506-453-4990 About Dr. Parenteau: Bill Parenteau is a history professor at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He specializes in the history of Atlantic Canada, environmental history, Canadian-American relations and the history of sport and leisure. He is a member of the editorial board of Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region. His articles have appeared in Acadiensis, Forest and Conservation History, Environmental History Review, The Archivist and the Canadian Historical Review. He has contributed chapters to Trouble in the Woods: Forest Policy and Social Conflict in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (1992), Contested Countryside: Rural Workers and Modern Society in Atlantic Canada (1994) and New England and the Maritime Provinces: Comparisons and Connections (2001). Dr. Parenteau has presented his work in a wide range of forums including, the Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, the biennial meeting of the American Society for Environmental History, the biennial meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States and the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. He is currently working on a monograph on the history of the Atlantic Salmon Fishery in the decades after Canadian Confederation. This study will examine the impact of federal and provincial salmon fishing regulations on the four principal resource user groups (anglers, commercial net fishers, rural farmers and settlers and Native peoples) in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.