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Belleisle Creek resident recognized for leadership at UNB Saint John with Primrose Scholarship

Author: Communications

Posted on Jun 23, 2011

Category: UNB Saint John

(left to right) Sandra Irving, Chelsey Brown and Chair of the Primrose Scholarship Selection Committee, John Johnson
(left to right) Sandra Irving, Chelsey Brown and Chair of the Primrose Scholarship Selection Committee, John Johnson
Chelsey Brown, a recent Belleisle Regional High School graduate, has spent most of her young life finding ways to have a positive impact on the community. Her leadership at school, in athletics and in the community makes her a natural choice for this year’s Primrose Scholarship in the amount of $5,000.

Chelsey's athletic involvement in rugby, soccer, basketball, archery and downhill skiing is as impressive as her academic standing. And yet, her time and devotion do not end with school activities. She helps a wide range of worthy causes as a volunteer for Teens Against Drinking and Driving, Smart Risk, church suppers and other community events.

Her ability to combine academic studies with extracurricular activities has given her a keen sense of the value of education. To the selection committee of the Primrose Scholarship Chelsey wrote, “Education is like a river that never runs dry, it opens up endless opportunities and with it the power to accomplish your career goals.”

Chelsey’s community spirit and her belief in the power of education will be a great benefit to her as she pursues her science degree at UNB Saint John. She hopes one day to attend medical school so that she can continue to make a difference.

The Primrose Scholarship was created in 2000 by UNB Saint John alumna Sandra Irving (BA ’95) to recognize academic achievement, community involvement and athletic leadership to a new first-year student entering UNB Saint John.

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