Posted: December 15, 2016 4:00:00 AM AST
Category: Marketing Services
A new report into how teenagers interact with university websites has some surprising findings that may seem counterintuitive to university marketers. What Professionals Believe Teens Think About Higher Ed Websites — And What Teens Really Think, by Gil Rogers and Michael Stoner, surveyed both teens and university marketers, asking the latter group to rate what they think teens would value in a...
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Posted: December 8, 2016 4:00:00 AM AST
Category: Brand
When it comes to designing a web page, advertisement, poster, or even a social media avatar, the alignment of text and objects on a page plays a critical factor on the viewer’s ability to easily read and comprehend the content. When objects and text are aligned well on a page, we don’t notice anything at all other than the intended message. However, when objects and text are even slightly out...
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